can one of you educated people tell me why i cannot get the autopilot vav to work on the new Concord jet ??? is it the INS control button/ mode or the Loc button/mode??? i tried both but jet keeps veering to the right also the heading does not work either??? please help !!!
Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft as Concorde is not stock sim.
You should ask your question in the main Concorde help thread. The autopilot works perfectly fine. Did you read the manual?
Thanks just the help i needed!!!
okay …still .learning the Forum rules… Thanks
Autopilot is working ok . at least on this computer i will check the other one when i get home. i just had problem with IAS or nav.
yes working ok!!!
On SU11 AP seems not able to fly anymore VOR rad’s , IL, GS. IPassing in RAD mode and selecting the proper NAV 1 freq (ILS), while indication on HSI is fine ad well as GS indication on HSI and ADI, the FD offsets and remained locked forever in a strange position. Engagin the NAV/LOG mode and/or GLIDE or LAND modes does not make the aicraft steer to the VOR rad nor flying any GS in autoland…
Probabaly (need to check), for some strange reason, not having any APR loaded into the FMS (fpl) could help…but strange indeed.
I own Concorde for few weeks now. At first everything was almost ok apart from INS. I even managed to land on autopilot using ILS. Now ILS signal is no longer visible. This plane is a garbage and waste of money. Can somebody tell me how ILS is being picked up nowadays in 2023/2024 using Concorde. I wish somebody who owns it can verify if auto landing is working on RAD.
No there is no auto landing. ILS seems to be working fine for me. Suggest you ask on the official Discord for support
I’ve had Concorde since release. Just flew it the other day. Still working like it always has. INS is working fine too.
I am a novice simmer and use xbox cloud via a web browser, in part it works fine but recently over the last week. when I manually set-up a flight plan in concorde FMC and add custom waypoints, after take off I switch from RAD to INS, switch on flight director, auto pilot and click the INS button and Concorde does not follow the flight plan. If I use the world map and select from their it works fine… any ideas… I did have this working? thank you