Config Files for Hangar, missing planes? Please? [Solved]

Hello - I previously posted about problems with the MSFS Caravan (default) disappearing from my hangar.

No one responded to that post.
I’ve worked with support and eventually was told to reinstall the entire sim, which I did. It fixed the problem at first, but by the time all the content was reinstalled, the problem returned. I tried to add back addons gradually but still have not been able to pinpoint what caused the problem What’s clear is that when it happens it’s irreversible (unless it’s due to something being added in Content Manager rather than an addon in the community folder).

Does anyone know if there are config files of some sort that are used by World Map and Hangar to pull up the list of aircraft? Perhaps something is getting overwritten or corrupted.
Given that it is one specific plane repeatedly and given that the packages are all installed - I have to assume there is a specific file or mechanism used to populate the hangar.

I don’t have the time to just reinstall the sim all over again - especially without knowing what is causing this.

A separate but related question: I’d like to purchase the Black Square Analog Caravan - but since it’s based on the built in aircraft, I’m concerned it won’t show up either until I resolve this issue. Any thoughts on that?


I’ve solved this issue finally after countless wasted hours. There is a marketplace activity called Adventum Tours Hawaii that renames the default Caravan so that it no longer appears as a Caravan and can no longer be searched that way either. Instead it turns the Caravan into Aventum. I actually thought this was an obscure plane - never occurred to me that this was the source.