Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.
Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?
Brief description of the issue:
All graphics settings appear low/disabled in game irrespective of value selected in the Settings panel
Provide Screenshot(s)/video(s) of the issue encountered:
Detail steps to reproduce the issue encountered:
From the World View, select any airfield, any aircarft, enter game.
There are no ground textures at all, rivers and roads are just blue or grey lines on the ground, almost no trees at all, and a few â– â– â– â– looking buildings dotted around in silly places.
Game is unplayable.
Data is on and set to unlimitted usage and bandwidth.
Bing Maps is on.
Have deleted rolling and manual cache.
Graphics settings are all medium, high or ultra.
Have manually reset and applied all settings for both PC and VR profiles.
All Content Manager packages are installed and up to date.
UserOpts.cfg is not write protected.
PC specs for those who want to assist (if not entered in your profile)
Ryzen 3700, 32GB Ram, 2TB SSD, GTX1070
Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:
Are you on the Steam or Microsoft Store version?
Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?
In addition I find that locations where I have a World Update installed load, with mininal graphic settings and terrible performance, e.g. UK and US. Locations where I don’t have a World Update installed e.g. New Zealand don’t load at all. The sim just sits at the completed progress bar for 15 plus minutes.
What a joke.
From what I understand, the temporary workaround is to change your setting from “ultra” to “low end”, then back again each time you are preparing to fly. The settings are lost when returning to the main menu.
I’ve tried that and it doesn’t work for me. Buildings seem like they might be ok, they are certainly the correct UK buildings, but there are no ground textures at all and almost no trees either, and some locations still do not load at all.
There is other wierd stuff happening too, e.g. I have worker density set to zero and yet the airfield is chock full of workers standing around. The airfield is also regularly buzzed by AI aircraft which initially request permission to land and which then ignore all further ATC contact until ATC calls services terminated.
It’s a mess.
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use search in the file browser, and search for usercfg.opt on all your drives, if you have it show up more then once then thats your problem. This happened to me once.
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Hi NeutrinoSunset - Check you don’t have an add-on in the community folder that may be causing the load issue. I had the NZ tree fix (True-TeesNZ by rhumbaflappy) and that’s broken, so flights don’t load. Removing it works fine. He will be fixing this addon in due course
I have no addons installed.
I got up this morning, search my AppData/Roaming folder for UserCfg.opt and found one other instance, which was a shortcut in the Windows folder. Deleted that. Started up the game and everything is now working again.
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Check these screenshots below. I have started the with Ultra graphics and did not touch anything before i set the flight. All my buildings were having a lack of detail. I switched back to medium and back to Ultra again. All details on the buildings came back! Sim is definitely not keeping the settings which were set. I am not using Read Only cfg file here. I tried removing it completely and let the sim create one.
Here’s the screenshot when i switched between Medium and Ultra again
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And today it’s all not working again. Zero ground textures and almost no trees, this is supposedly Oxford with textures on high and trees on Ultra.