Connection Lost is back with

Hello community,

since upgrade to the “connection lost” message start popping . I had not seen this since months. After a couple of seconds, the message Connection restored appears. But from that point, and I’m not totally sure that the event are related, the Scores of the Landing Challenges start behaving abnormally, I’ll post another topic on this particular point.
Condition I was : PC, Wifi or Wired, VR, Landing Challenges. Since the world XIII update I experienced it during every flight session.
As the message let me think about network, I checked a couple of things.

  • Switched from cabled to Wifi and vice versa, no effect
  • Verified if something significant was logged in the windows eventlog. Nothing.
  • Ran a ping -t to an internet reliable service. 100% success during my session, an ping time at 16ms. No particular latency as FS shows the Connection Lost message
  • Verified the clock of my pc, it was 4 minutes ahead. Depending on the real signification of the FS message, this could be a problem. I fixed this. Unfortunately It changed nothing.
  • I verified that all apps in the store were up to date. It was not case. The gaming service was outdated, I updated it. Changed nothing.
  • I checked the connection status under my profile on the home of FS. Every time I verified this, It was connected, on Western Eur, 23ms in “Auto”. I changed it to force Western Europe, thinking the problem could be a flapping between servers on a false positive detection. Did changed nothing.
  • I’ve started a discovery flight, to veriofy if this could be related to the Landing challenges. The plane fly while writing this message, not in VR obviously. So 2 condition have changed. Till now nothing happened. I’ll continue searching in the direction of “Nature of activities” and “VR versus normal”.

Do you also experience the Connection Lost problem since in the landing challenges ?
Does someone knows exactly what’s behind this “Connection Lost” message ? Is it related to network, authentication, MS Gaming Servers … ?
Ideas to fix ?



Same for me, same problems.
The only difference with you, I’m still in