Connection lost issues again?

Hi all
Anyone else getting connection lost issues again?
I had these consistently a month or so ago, then I think it was sim update?? seamed to rectify them. However they are back for me. The only change I have made to MSFS 2020 is that Orbx NZ mesh was updated to be compatible with MSFS after a recent MSFS2020 update break it
I had 2 of them last night and another just now all in NZ.
Thanks in advance if you have any information.
Best wishes.


I get them regularly and they have become a nuisance. I dont know if it is my internet connwction or caused by the server.

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I think is a server issue. Just one week ago I upgraded my fiber connection to 1GB/s via ethernet cable cat 6A S/ FTP. ( a expensive ethernet hight speed ) and still suffering lost connection in MSFS.
My internet is solid as rock.


Folks - please follow the links below to check on the two major services MSFS relies upon:

XBox Gaming Live Status

Playfab Status

An outage in either one can affect your sim experience.

It appears there is an outage on XBox Live:

There is also a Pinned Post here on the board with the same links and a Dashboard that is manually updated - so if it looks all Green, check XBox and Playfab anyway.

This must be a MSFS server issue as I’m online on a IVAO network.

I’m having connection issues as well. Yesterday at the latest. I get the warning message first where I have to acknowledge (for some strange reason). Then after a short while, I get the message saying I’m reconnected.

I can’t remember this was an issue for me before the last sim update.

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I’ve been dealing w slow server-side problems since about mid-May. Yesterday I was downloading some updates in-game at an agonizing 2.8 mb/s. Out of frustration I fired up my Nord VPN app and reconnected via a VPN server in Seattle. Resumed the download and, BOOM!, 80+mb/s. So I don’t know whether it’s their servers, or if Xfinity has some beef w MS and is throttling them, or if Xfinity has some beef w me and my msfs data streaming volume and is throttling me, or just what’s going on. But somebody somewhere somehow is trying to get btwn me and my detailed PG scenery! It’s msfs only. Every other app/site/service I use downloads pronto.

Trying to install MSFS today. Nothing happens. Sign out of Xbox, reboot … Sign in, Start xbox app and it just sits on 4%

Yep this for me is now the rule rather than the exception after every start of the sim. Usually I just wait the few moments until the final “reconnected” message pops up.

Just like me!!

I found a solution very simple just download goodbye dpi from git hub and just extract it and keep open in background you can update the game

I have just returned to NZ - with ORBX NZ Mesh - after a period of local flying in UK. Since returning to NZ and operating out of Nelson (NZNS) I have been having regular disconnects, usually at around 100’ on short finals. I had the ORBX Nelson Airport loaded, removed that, no change. Just tried a circuit at Queenstown and had 2 disconnects in a 9 minute flight.

If you can hit the OK button quickly enough fine - if not then you’re toast.

I will remove the ORBX Mesh and see what happens.

I fly NZ all the time and started to have disconnects there now too. I also have ORBX Mesh. For me it seemed to start after I added some freeware airports. I have not had the time to test them. I was going to just wait and see what the next update does first.

Ive been having issues for past 18 hours

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So, I uninstalled the ORBX NZ Mesh and tried flights from both Nelson and Queenstown. The flight from Nelson didn’t even get off the ground! First disconnect came the instant I turned the battery master on, the second whilst taxiing to the hold. Aborted. From Queenstown I spawned on the runway and got airborne, flew for about 3 minutes - “Connection Lost” which was followed after about 5 seconds with “Successfully Connected”. Flight aborted.

I transported myself half way around the world to the Imperial War Museum at Duxford (awesome freeware download from ChicoMick) in the UK and operated for 45 minutes from C & D, roller landings at Cambridge and Lakenheath with full stop back at Duxford. I had no issues at all.

All of these flights were in the DA62 (modified) but I have also tried the Bonanza (modified) and the BLL XCub with similar results.

What is going on in New Zealand?

No change post SU10 :cry:

This is month 2 with this connection problem. Frustrating is not the word for it. All my other online games are fine except ms flight sim so ms is the problem.


And again. Ho hum. Can’t believe I have to listen to those idiotic voices again. Buggy, buggy software… A shame that something has to go wrong on virtually every flight. So many aspects of the sim are brilliant, but invariably some glitch will come up and detract from the enjoyment.

And again! Didn’t even get to pushback, and the idiotic voices start/ Lost connection! Lame, as usual.