Considering Logitech X56 - No Software Download on their Support Page?

Anyone know what software the X56 uses? Just generic Windows and support/profile built into MFS 2020? Thanks for any info! :ok_hand:

You dont need any special software for the X56. Just plug it in, and you can bind all the keys and axis in MSFS.

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Yes, MSFS comes with built in profiles for the X56 both throttle and flight stick so you can make any modifications from there (it even has profile variants for the helicopters). The X56 does come with configuration software which I loaded on my PC after purchase but quite frankly I’ve never used it given the built in MSFS profiles.

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They do have software available, it just doesn’t list support for Windows 11. If that’s what you’re running and you land on the page below, you’ll get the no-software message. But if you change Windows 11 back to Windows 10, you’ll get the option to download the control software.

Edit nearly one year later… This page now shows that the software supports Windows 11.


Thanks to all three of you for the helpful responses. I am running Windows 11 so that’s why I didn’t see any downloads. Good to know there are profiles setup in MSFS.

One more question? Have you had a good experience with your X56’s? Any quality issues? Generally happy?

Thanks again all. :+1:

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I am running Windows 11 as well so not to worry.

As far as quality goes: The X56 is the center of an eternal debate about quality and comfort and it gets a bad rep more often than not. I can only say I had my X56 for more than a decade and have never had an issue. In fact, as far as controls go, this stick gives me a layout that I prefer and that no other stick has.

I can fully recommend it but I know I am the minority. Some people say it is a matter of quality control ever since Saitek was taken over by Logitech.

I’d say try before you buy.


Same here, no issues whatsoever with quality. Mine’s branded Saitek, its that old! I bought the rudder pedals only a few years ago, they are Logitech branded. None need any additional software for MSFS2020 as already stated.

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Thanks to both of you for the feedback. :sunglasses::+1:t2::clap:t3:

I’ve enjoyed my X56 throttle and flight stick for the last year. I was getting a little frustrated with the throttle in that it started creeping either forwards or backwards from the center point so I purchased the Turtle Beach Velocity One and use just the X56 flight stick now. Turns out the V1 has its own flaws with the yoke so it’s an endless quest.

In the end, I applied a recently learned diy “fix” to the X56 throttle creeping issue and was able to fix it after all so I have that as back up.

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Interesting, as the Velocity One was the other choice I was considering, :joy:. Thanks for the input, guess I have to make a decision now. So many options.

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FWIW, I figure out how to install on Win 11…

  1. Get the Win 10 64 bit installer from Logitech
  2. Use 7 Zip to extract all the files to a temporary folder.
  3. Open the “Software” folder
  4. Open the MSI folder
  5. Run X56_64Bit.msi
  6. Check your desktop for the X56 HOTAS shortcut
  7. Run the app and select your language

Good luck!


Thanks for the info!