Considering returning my 15 button Stream Deck for a Stream Deck+ (knob variant) - looking for ideas

Juuuust starting to crack into the giant task that is creating intuitive layouts for my Stream Deck and realizing that between the “folders” functionality and creating a “next”-type button to swipe between layouts, I may only need 8 buttons after all, rather than the 15-button version.

I do use SPAD.neXt, and I have a keen interest in all of the functionality that I can map to the four knobs should I decide to return the MK.2 in exchange for the Stream Deck+…but I already use Logitech’s radio for most of my COMs, and a Honeycomb Bravo for all of my needed autopilot functionality (unless I’m in the Fenix, then I’m using my Winwing FCU).

Specifically, I think what would push me over the edge is hearing use cases from other people on whether or not the knobs play nice with MSFS avionics stacks, like being able to operate a G1000 or a GNS530 without a mouse…anyone find a nice way to make it work like that? Did you need to surrender one of the 8 soft keys for push-button knob functionality on those radios, or do the knobs push or pull?

And overall, do you think I could get more use out of one or the other considering other peripherals I’m running?

Thanks in advance for any ideas, tips or discussion -

I don’t have answers for G1000 or GNS530. For GA I almost exclusivity use the GTN750 and then aircraft specific FMS’s.

Primarily I love the four dials on the SD+. I use SPAD.neXt to create pages that I can swipe left and right with to control the MCD and EFIS.

I just wish they where dual rotary controllers as are in some aircraft. I get by this by splitting it across two knobs or using a press or long press to switch between inner and outer knobs.

I have a main menu of pages that I get to by doing a long press on the display for preflight stuff.

I’ve thought about getting a second one as I think I could get them to work as one in SPAD.

I would love a StreamDeck XL+ with 6+ dual rotary controllers and a third row of buttons.

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I’m surprised as well as there’re very few solution to this specific setup of the dual rotary knob inner/outer that I widely find in planes (airclub) I fly. The only alternative I know is the Octavi


So far I stay with my Streamdeck 3x5 and my very old VrInsight mPanel.

I like having independent knobs in the SD+

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I have the Streamdeck+ and the Streamdeck XL. It’s a great combo with SPAD.
If I only had the XL I’d consider building this Arduino mod.

100% the Octavi. I have a 55" right in front of me and plenty of buttons on the v1. This is the missing link. Choice 2 would be a class echo with dual encoder knob. I like the organic nature of the IFR1. Waiting for them to get back in stock

If you’re on a small monitor the class echo does a ton. Can’t believe every single dual encoder knob though needs soldering

I have both the 32 button SD XL and the SD+. Anything needing knobs goes on the +, everything else on the XL.

For the +, I use it for COM and NAV radios, autopilot, barometer, other miscellaneous ‘knobby’ settings on various planes. Below are examples of COM and A/P.

I have Snippet # 10229 published for the SD+ for the Black Square TBM-850 if you want to snag it.

And yes, @ANCRM114 I would love for Elgato to create a six or eight knob 16+ button unit!


I have the XL, the Plus and 2 x15 button versions and the 15s get a LOT more use than you might think. As a second, companion to the Plus, a 15 button makes a brilliant combination and lets me put Engines, props and EGT along with Nav and other functions onto the 15 button amd leave the plus for autopilot amd all things rotary. My advice? Consider keeping it AND getting the plus! :slight_smile: