Consistent CTD all day SU5

Well not sure everyone else is experiencing this. But empty community folder and CTD all day randomly. I have a top of the line PC (2 3090s and a 32-core threadripper). Never had any issues until SU5. Not sure what the deal is but anyone else dealing with this all day?


contact support

No CTD here and I have a system similar to the OP. However I could NOT lad into a flight after the update! The bar goes to 100% and stays there? After about 15min I have to close the unresponsive MSFS from task manager and restart. Quite frustrating indeed.

Same here, nothing but CTD’s!
Several times during download.
Several times when loading the sim.
Several times while zooming in on the new more detailed map.
Several times when loading bush flights.
Several times when in flights, all is going well, seems like improved VR Performance then boom, CDT.
Community Folder is empty, have tried changing my setting to lower than I had them at prior to the update. No help, still CTD.
My System:
CPU- Intel i7 8700K
GPU- Gigabyte GTX 1070 ti Windforce
Very stable prior to this update.
Hoping its server issues???
Will try again tomorrow and enter a Zen Desk ticket if not improved.


I think mine is just dead, even after wiping the app with revo uninstaller. it only load a blank window for 10 seconds and ctd.

I didnt test with my PC yet. With Series X i get random CTD.

also getting constant CTD’s here, incredibly annoying.
I had no CTD’s prior to this update


So helpful.


I have completely removed the FBW A320 and it seems to be helping. Not sure if that is the culprit yet. I was able to install the rest of my mods.

Several CTD after SU5 installed. Rarely had any before this update. First several were near urban area, then tried remote area, but same result. Reduced NVidia global settings and sim graphics settings but still CTD.


From what I can gather my overclock is now worthless because of ctd so any improvements I had are lost. Sad

Mine crashes in the world map, it seems other people have this issue too.


Yup getting CTD’s here as well, especially in VR it seems. Sometimes it behaves for say an hour, and it makes you think that maybe the problem somehow resolved itself, and then suddenly another CTD occcurs.

I guess we can’t expect such a giant update to go without a hitch. I hope this will be resolved soon though, as it really sucks the fun out of flying. It’s even more annoying because the performance really seems to have improved a lot.

Same here. 10 hours to complete the updates - servers obviously overloaded.

Almost 2 hours trying to get just my first SU5 test flight started. BSOD every time - different reason cited every time.

Saitek controller correctly mapped but not controlling throttles correctly any more.

Never got so far as an engine start after two hours of trying to start a flight.

Obvious bug in the menuing on the Map page. How on earth could they not have seen this? It’s there every time.

So after almost 14 hours trying today I haven’t even managed an engine start, let alone a flight.


I thought product testing was being increased prior to releases. This looks like it hasn’t been tested much at all.

This is a hobby. But with software this damaged you’d need to be a paid pro to give the time to all the bug reporting required.

It’s becoming unacceptible, and that’s a crying shame for something so close to be awesome, and that’s not a word I ever use lightly.

Come on Asobo. Get a decent pre-release test programme going!!!


Is your CPU OC’d? Do you have your GPU OC’d? Afterburner was causing my CTD’s, decided to remove my OC profile and I haven’t had a single CTD.

Never had CTD before this update. Was going great yesterday, now it is a POS.


If you are asking me, Yes my CPU is overclocked and my GPU is factory overclocked, and they have run countless heavyweight games, production software, stress tests and benchmarks flawlessly for the last 3.5 years since I built this machine. Not a single crash on any other software at any time.

But FS2020 is like a dog’s dinner. Just a mess of bugs and complete unreliabiility.

I have hundreds of hours on this sim but have hardly touched it for the past month as it had started CTD’ing, but only maybe 5 hours into a flight.

Now I can’t even get to engine start, and you dare to suggest my hardware may be the problem!

CTD’s all the day everywhere in the sim…
world map, flights, content manager…
unbelievable how a Microsoft & Asobo let this update go live when stability is a disaster…
to be surprised ? nah… every update in the lasy year since launch was a mess…
whats left ? just a big disappointment… and a mess of a sim.

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After a being an alpha tester and first day buy the sim finally broke. I have been enjoying it greatly in vr great frame rates and visuals today’s update now I can no longer even fly. Constant ctd. Hopefully gets worked out soon


Same here.
Also lost all of my previous game pad key bindings and the new default ones suck. It creates a new XINPUT GAME PAD every time I turn on the controller in game and there’s no way to delete them apparently.
Also weirdly CTD when trying to assign new bindings.

Artifacts and graphics glitches of reflections on the screens when they are turned off and when switching pilot views. On some of the views the camera just pops in. It’s like the software is all broken. I have the feeling this wasn’t tested properly before release.

Community folder empty. 9900K/RTX2080 Super/32GB Ram/SSD. Windows and nVidia drivers latest everything.