Constant CTD every flight now (ntdll.dll)

Yep, I’ve been here since the alpha, I’m no debugger, but over the past few years, found a workaround to just about anything this brilliant, but complex simulator can throw at us, but this one is different, I’m a member of the ntdll bug club unfortunately… So for what it’s worth I don’t use any antivirus software expect windows inbuilt

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In case you or anyone else reading this isn’t aware, I’m one of the Community Managers for Microsoft Flight Simulator. Unlike our tremendously helpful forum moderators who are unpaid volunteers, I am an MSFS employee. If you’re looking for an “official statement” from the team, you can consider my posts – and those of my fellow CMs – to be official statements. We acknowledged this issue on Saturday and advised everyone that it has been escalated to the devs. As soon as we have new information to share with the community, we will.


So roughly how long are you anticipating for this issue to be addressed

My final report as I go to sleep now.
This is about my own experience today after a weekend of CTD’s (10 in 12 flights).
Then today, after 8 hours with MSFS:
1st - 2:45 flight all Online Services DISABLE (No CTD)
2nd - 0:45 flight all Online Services activated (No CTD)
3rd - Around 4 hours I had fun with Cessna 152 in Donegal (EIDL) with Online Services activated, doing several T/O and Landings, playing with the Record Tool of MSFS, and no CTD’s .
Means, today I didn’t have a single CTD during 8 hours, a lot of different from the weekend.
I had GSX (Couatl.exe), Volanta, and Littlenavmap always running, I saw videos 4K in You Tube, I check my emails, drink some water, and no CTD. NO CTD today after a nightmare weekend. Something changed today to better.
See you on Sunday, until there I will be in the beach.
Have a nice week and enjoy the summer in Europe that is ending.


However long it takes to find the route cause and find a solution, as seedyL has said it’s being investigated, a plumber can fix a leak once he’s found it, best thing can do until then is try to lead to the water to help them fix it (or whatever the phrase is, get my point lol) night :crossed_fingers: the solution will be found soon

So ive managed to do a full flight bristol to palma de mallorca no issues. Was on the asia server with gsx installed also so wonder if these ctds are region issues?

No CTD since Live Weather off in Data.



Before can’t even reach cruse lvl

the problem is not live weather i use REX weatherforce and it still CTDS so the fault is not weather related

I just looked at the WIN-log.

  • on 08/18, 05:16 - Win11 updates installed (but only Defender KB2267602).
  • on 08/19., 05:21. - Steam updates
  • on 08/19, 19:25 was the 1st CTD
    PS.: I have the WIN11 Build 22000.856 (instead of 22000.795).

Maybe that can help!

All the Bonanza V35 CTD’s I saw on Friday/early Saturday had no event logs for the crash. No idea why. Using the 737 at a later time on Saturday generated a CTD and event log. Not sure why there is this difference in log generation after a crash.

I’ve stuck to using GA and am flying the V35 for last 48 hrs with no CTD’s. Not tried airliners again yet. Also have stuck to flying only around my local area to reduce streaming/online activity although I still have all the data enabled.

Location: UK, western Europe

My server locations are greyed out too. But underneath you can read offline and Europe west. But I am online f.e Live weather works. Wasn’t greyed out a couple of months ago. Crashes started friday morning for me. Sim was stable for 2 years with very few crashes. Managed a CTD free full flight yesterday with Bing maps and live weather off. Windows 11 latest updates and Nvidia latest drivers. AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, Geforce RTX 3080, 32 GB ram at 3600mhz.

I always CTD at cruise level (FL350-FL390) so flying at low altitude may not accelerate the CTD.

Good morning folks. Up until this morning every test flight I did over the past few days has resulted in a CTD, never had this issue until Friday or Saturday. Got crashes even with the community folder empty except for the PMDG 737-700. Tried disabling live weather but that did not help. Took off last night from EGAA in Northern Ireland and took a heading of 140 degrees (like previous tests), had full fuel and just set the cruise level to FL260 and went to bed. Got up this morning and the sim was still running, no crash so far. Topped the fuel up again and will leave it until I have to go to work in the next hour or so. Crashes happened before between 5 and 60 mins. Aircraft now over Afghanistan heading towards India. No flight plan per se just following a heading on autopilot.

What did I change? I disabled the following:
Live real world air traffic - OFF
Live weather - OFF
Multiplayer - OFF
Bing etc is - ON

Despite having AIG installed I did prefer to use Live Traffic. Tonight I will try offline traffic and test with Trafic Controller injecting traffic and keep weather off, though tested live weather off on its own yesterday and it still crashed. I am using West EU server as I am in the UK. Not sure how to change it as its ghosted out when I click my profile graphic in the options.

Chris Ibbotson

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A Microsoft operating system that conflicts with Microsoft software sounds like a joke but sadly it isn’t.
I only wrote a truth reaffirmed also by the community manager, was anyone offended?


GSX has nothing to do with this problem.

I really hope we can find a solution to this. PMDG 737-800 possibly out today unless that has changed :frowning:

Just on your point about XBOX, I did write on this topic that I had experienced 3 CTD on my Series S while trying to start up the Hondajet and was surprised as I don’t usually CTD much… On Beta 10.14. I also felt that something had to do with servers. Later yesterday I did have another go and it all went nice and smooth using same plane same airport and settings. Thanks.

Everyone still having CTDs try disabling Windows Defender Real-Time Protection. Since doing so I did not get any CTD.
I also added a exklusion for every flight simulator related folder but this didn’t help.

PS: I remember that there was a similar problem in the past with the simulator and this was the fix.

If you use a third party Anti-virus app then Defender is automatically disabled is it not?
I think its ghosted out on my system as soon as I install a different AV program.

Havign to turn off a security feature on an operating system should not be a fix for a games issues imo. Leaving yourself vulnerable is always a bad idea.