@Jinoss17 … clean rollingcache is a good start. And cleaned manually the other folders , files I mentioned ?
I know, it is a try, but what else we can do. And also if it will not help, we know then that it was not the issue.
@ViewedQuasar810 hmmm… bad news… I wonder bit …
Can you check which .NET version is installed. A how to is here: Bestimmen der installierten .NET Framework-Versionen - .NET Framework | Microsoft Docs
in short:
open regedit and that key:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full
which value ( decimal ) is printed within the “Release” key ?
( you can also check the version key , e.g is it 4.8.04084 ? ).
Last night I had a CTD flying the PMDG 738 from Walla Walla to Seattle on final approach. No warning, sound surge, then freeze, then CTD. Re-started, tried Yakima to Seattle, landed no problem. Stayed in sim, took off from Seattle and flew to Juneau- about 7 miles from TOD the sound surged, froze, and CTD. I’ve read tons of CTD posts, my sim rarely crashes until now. Tried a flight from Spokane to Seattle, same CTD near final approach. Live weather and live traffic on.
I can as well predict the crash is coming from sound going jerky for a couple of seconds, then MSFS just closed without errors.
Before 20th of August, I flew the PMDG B737 flawlessly since release and PMDG never made an update apart from some days ago, but the sim was crashing already.
yes yes… just searching whats may be common for all reports, so we get possible a better idea where we can check some things. E.g. if only users whith these kind of airplaine report the issue, may be a reinstall of the mod helps ( again, are only guesses
Also there aren’t reports on PMDG forums about the 737 crashing specifically
Thanks again for your reply,
I’m aware of the complexity of the different CTD reports. It must almost be impossible to pinpoint the cause due to the variety of Pc-systems we all use. But I was only trying to contribute to a possible solution by reporting my CTD logs. For me things got complex when the topics got divided into 2 separate topics.
I assume there are multiple Forum members who have send a Ticket to the Zendesk so the problem should be clear by now (not the solution). That’s why I don’t want to add mine.
Also I’m not to technical which shouldn’t be required to use FS. Therefor I don’t feel the need to use ‘work arounds’ just to be able to send a screenshot or to use a ‘quote’ to the forum. I don’t think solutions like using Sfc /scannow or other DOS commands would solve the issues, apart from the incidental times a user’s problem is coincidentally solved be using Sfc /scannow or other prompt commands. Of course I’m prepared to try every possible solution within the default settings in FS but that’s as far as I’m willing to go. In other words, I’m not going to mess around with the FS-2020 (*.XML) files using explorer or registry changes.
As I mentioned I use other complex programs that are working fine. So as long that I didn’t change any settings on my Pc an error must (in most cases) be Application-related.
I’d rather be active in the virtual sky than to use the Forum. Also because I’m Dutch and English is sometimes difficult to translate (you might want to try it the other way around?). Also my contributions must be in broken English so I’m aware I sometimes talk rubbish. That’s why I’ll leave it at this.
General remark: I think Osobo shouldn’t try to update more than two new features (DX-12 ánd DLSS) at once. The combination of these two will make it more complex to filter out possible errors. But that’s my humble opinion.
Thanks again for your reply and don’t take any negative remarks personally, cause that’s not my intention.
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Had a few CTD’s recently. Yesterday on ground with aerosoft crj 7 in Detroit. Re ran flught no issue. Now twice tonight in Glasgow with BN2 Islander. Once on ground, second flying over city shortly fter departure. Now on third attempt.