I seem to be only getting 2-3 Mbits/s download speed on updates from content manager these days. It’ll trundle along like that for 5 minutes or so before suddenly jumping up to 200+ Mbps, then back down to 2-3 Mbps. On a full-fibre 1gig connection with no issues at my end, so wondering if others are experiencing the same?
Yes, same here!
Stuck on decompressing France POI, what a mess!!!
I can’t even access the content manager anymore. Don’t ask me why. I tried signing out and back in. It just always says I’m offline. But all my other online functionality works. So no idea….
It varies between 5 and 15 Mb/s for me. Speedtest reports 500Mb/s up/down on my computer.
I know the servers have to handle multiple download requests, but sheesh…
Same here, it is so slow why?
Yep this is happening since couple weeks now. A lot of the times addon ended up corrupted when fully finish or disappear the next time i open the sim. Part1 file of addons keeps reseting to 0% a lot of times while downloading, sometimes other parts also doing the same. 2-3mbits initial download speed always, after 5-10mins it increases to near my max speeds 90mbits, than instantly resets that part file, redownloads it over and over again. I had to download my last store airport purchase 10+ times fully, initial downloads ended up with corrupted airport. Same for eddf from deluxe or premium version 200 250mb file, even after 50+ downloads airport is still corrupted, i gave up, instantly ctd most of the times and taxiways, signs etc not fully visible. Whatever changed on download/content manager method it is not trustworthy anymore. On xbox we have no option to verify addons. They will end up with a lot of unhappy customers because the airport they bought from marketplace won’t look the same as advertised store pictures, aircraft wont function as normal, they will get CTDs, they will ended up refunding addon or wont buy other addons.
Edit : Reddit - Dive into anything
Reddit - Dive into anything
So so slow here in France also today…
What’s strange is that I today changed my DNS settings to and a backup of (Google) and my 2Mb connection in Content Manager jumped to 22Mbits… HUGE difference!!
My broadband is only 25Mbps as I live in the middle of nowwhere but this deffo helped with immediate effect!
same here, its on Asobo end