Content Removed During Updates

Does anyone know what Microsobos policy is when they choose to remove content from the the sim?

Someone posted following the recent city update to say that it was not possible (CTD) to finish a default bush trip because of the legs referenced an airport that had now been removed.

This leads to more questions

  1. When this happens will the bush trip be amended (like a real holiday itinerary would be) if a specific trip can longer be finished?
  2. If not, why does the bush trip still exist when it can longer be finished?
  3. Why is a Asobo removing the airport anyway, is this to stay current with the AIRAC? Does the sim need to be that realistic if it affects other parts of the sim when an airport is removed?

For my part I’m not bothered if airfields get removed, we get new ones added all the time anyway. What does annoy me though is if I spend time starting something, I want to be able to finish it.

It seems the various teams are not joined up. There needs to be a QA check before any content is removed to ensure it’s not referenced anywhere else. Either update before removal or remove the broken parts entirely.

Definitely counts as bug at the moment so let’s see if it ever gets fixed. Asobo have hopefully seen the feedback in the above post so are aware of it and other related issues.


Agree, I just would like the sim to stay consistent - so they should check at least their own “hard” dependencies. Also maybe somehow notify us / users / 3rd party developers “oficially” that because of removed base content, some 3rd party add-ons may stop working at all.

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