Hi (sorry my english)
I share with you how I solved my CTDs problems in msfs (Steam, PC)… in case it helps.
On my old computer, I had no CTD problem in msfs with Windows 10:
i7 4970K.
GTX 1080Ti.
Windows 10
I updated the PC, and went with Windows 11… but keeping the PSU and the graphics card 1080Ti (waiting for the 3000 series prices to drop or the release of the 4000):
i7 12700K
RAM DDR5 5600Mhz 64Gb
same GTX 1080Ti
and the old PSU
Windows 11
Then, with this new PC the problems came … continuous CTDs in msfs!!
So… I read many threads in forums, I saw videos on youtube, and I did a check list:
1.- Test it without inserting any file in the Community folder.
if that works, well, insert some addons or mods little by little and try… to see if the problem is one of the mods that I install.
2.- Uninstall the Logitech applications of the keyboard, the mouse, and several others or that are useless that may come from there the failure.
3.- Try this that I have read in the msfs forum:
Disable Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling;
Uninstall PhysX;
Use the Nvidia driver that comes with Windows Update.
4.- Enter the BIOS and lower the RAM frequencies a bit (I saw this solution from a guy on youtube)… now they are at 5600Mhz. I’ll download what I can and try.
If msfs works, then I will go up frequencies until failure again.
5.- Buy and install a good and new Power Supply. That may be the problem… that the PSU does not have the necessary power… The Power Supply that I have now is not one of the best, it is quite simple.
6.- No idea what else to do … May be go back to Windows 10??
Well… sections 1th, 2th and 3th were not the solution …
The 4th… YES!!!.. I lowered the RAM frequencies in the BIOS and Boom!!! NO more CTDs!!!
This made me think that the problem could be the lack of power from the PSU …
So I went to the 5th point… Change the PSU for a new and better one.
I raised the memory frequencies to 5600Mhz again in the BIOS.
So I still in the 4th point: LOWER the RAM frecuencies!
Or go to the 6th point: return to WINDOWS 10 !
Microsoft & Asobo… PLEASE! FIX THIS CTDs PROBLEMS!!!
FIXED!!! (although I still don’t trust it completely )
*Thanks to sexybeast691
The solution was to turn “AI Traffic Offline” = Off.
No more CTDs!!!
and as a bonus, increased the fps by +15 .
NO… CTDs again!!