Contrails in VR?

Are contrails available in VR for AI / Multiplayer planes? I can see my own in VR, but not others. I can see other planes contrails when in 2D mode. If I switch to VR, contrails are instantly gone.

Is this a missing feature or is there a setting that enables it?

HP Reverb G2 / Open XR

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I’m seeing them in VR on other aircraft. Don’t usually start until above FL300 though.

thanks, must be a setting thing then. I have 200 LOD so I’m not sure what else can influence this?

Yes visible for me

Thank you. What setting/s need to be enabled for contrails to be visible in VR? I have pretty high graphics and 200 LOD set. There isn’t a setting for it specifically to my knowledge, so which settings parameter dictates this?

10900k / 3080 / HP Reverb G2 / Open XR

I think you just need the right atmospheric conditions

But they are visible in 2D, just not VR, or are there VR specific atmospheric setting?

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I have never seen contrails on other aircraft in vr on the sim

It’s visible at above certain altitude. All photos were cropped from VR mirror images.


Thanks for the pics. Where altitude and atmospheric conditions are met the answer is Yes it seems, contrails ARE visible in VR (for some people).

The question shifts to why do some people see them in VR and others do not, and what setting parameter dictates this. Restating I can see them just fine in 2D, they instantly disappear in VR.

10900k / 3080 / HP Reverb G2 / Open XR

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My rig : i7 9750, rtx 2060, quest 2, link cable, medium to low ingame settings.

I have, and just flew underneath one of AIG’S 737’S. I wasnt impressed, it was a spinning billboard. They were flat, i was surprised

Neither have I in about 200 hours of flying.

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I just learned the other day that you will only see contrails of planes that are the same model of the plane you are flying.

Well you learned something wrong then, as I was just crossed by an A380 WITH contrails and the Fenix A320 is by no means an A380.

Yea, I don’t fly high enough to know, it seemed multiple people agreed but I guess it wasn’t that then. Must be something else then if people aren’t seeing them.

Would it apply to props? I’ve never seen a contrail in the sim. I do see plenty of high altitude aircraft.

I think the altitude matters. I could see contrails of nearby passing airliners from my MB339. The altitude was around FL300 as I remember. I don’t think any prop GAs could reach there.

Honestly I dont know, but I see plenty of contrails on jets.

I took the TBM 930 up to 35,000 and I was seeing contrails all over the place. That was the first time I’ve seen them in the sim. Usually I’m under 20,000 feet.