Control sensitivity question

Neutral seems to move the center neutral point up and down just fine. How do I shift it left or right. With stick centered I am always banking to port slightly.


Sensitivity is, well, how sensitive your control command is, compared to the manual input you are putting. THat;'s not gonna help here, it might just reduce the slight bank, but not eliminate.
Your problem probably is that when your stick is centered, it actually isn’t exactly centered - it is slightly to the left. You can solve that with calibration and/or adding/increasing the null zone.

You can assign aileron trim to a control and use that to counter drift.

I tried increasing the null and that helped a little but it’s not exactly addressing the axis in question sadly.

As @MikePapa4008 said, you need to calibrate your joystick .

This facility is not included in FS2020, so would need to be done in Windows (outside the sim), under “Set up USB game controllers”.

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