Control Sensitivity

Yeah, every aircraft does the 50% to 100% roll issue for me. Any idea of where the main input settings might be that are above all the joystick presets? Wondering if we can manually edit the code. So far the xml’s in the input folder are just presets.

no Idea.

Right now I am back to not using any 3rd party and having my sensitivity -30% and dead zone 10%.

I am using the trim wheel to actually control the pitch more than you would in the real world. At least I can do gradual inputs. Bad habit to form… flying using trim.

Being there is such an issue with so many devices, what are some alternative devices that work out of the box, with “minor” adjustments? I too have the same issue as most of these folks, and I just want to fly!

It doesn’t matter what device you use haha, even the keyboard controls display the sensitivity issue. Don’t believe me? Try it. Try to roll the aircraft with your keyboard and then bam, it goes from slow incremental roll to full bank 90 degree yoke.

I have a CH yoke. Used the calibration program dialing sensitivity and curve there and left in sim as default. Now all is right in the world.

I remember back in FSX/P3D.

For example. The 737 Standard was extremly sensetive. Also all GA’s. With payware like PMDG or A2Athe yoke and rudder sensetive was quit perfect and it acts smoothly and feels real to me.

This is an old problem with MS Standard Aircrafts.

As a real pilot of Motorsailors/Sailors and Diamond i can say the MS Aircrafts reacts too sensetive all the way.

My compromise with saitek yoke is first the rubberband mod and the bonard board mod. This mods gives me more control of small inputs.

Ingame i set sensetivity for the yoke -50 for the pitch and a deadzone -1. On the saitek rudder -40 and a deadzone -1. Works much better but not perfect.

The rubberband mod and bonard board mod(find how to do in the web) needs a hardware workaround. The original saitek yokes are horrible to handle.
Don’t know how the honeycomb acts. May i will give them a try in the future. If you want fly real as it gets. Fly real or wait for high quality aircrafts like PMDG and A2A. By the way. Still wait for FSUIPC which gives more control over the whole inputs, mouse and kneeboard.


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Don’t confuse the visual animation of the stick/yoke in the cockpit with the actual flight control deflection.
The animation of the sticks/yokes is broken in most MSFS aircraft and although the flight controls move exactly in unison with the joystick, the stick/yoke animation does not.
They are moving too slow initially and suddently snap to full deflection.

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Have you assigned your elevators to Elevator Down and Up?

If you have that is a binary button press. Re-assign it to Elevator Axis

It’s interesting to hear you say that because even without looking at the yokes I can still feel the aircraft snap into that full deflection when passing a certain threshold, in my case I can both see the yoke do that and feel the aircraft do that.

I am able to bring up the Control Panel, find the controller, right click and go to properties, but there is no Settings tab at the top. Any idea why this might be the case?

My bad … after jyou right clicksed the device, in the menu don’t choose proporties at the bottom, but choose settings at the top.

What is the name of the calibration program? Where can I download it from?

I wonder if it will work with Saitek.

What percentage are you using? Even at -50% there’s no real ‘threshold’ noticeable.
Suggest to it to 0% and check the deflection from external view,
If the ‘snapping’ still occurs then there’s something wrong with the setup.

Thank you for the post! Been looking for one like that. Was afraid to mess with the historical vs modern (big warning scared me off!).

Has anyone tried to set a sensivity curve with an external software like

I use a Saitek X52 PRO with WIN7 for FSX and WIN10 for FS2020 and for the first time I discover a windows problem with this joystick. Each time I restart my PC I have to move the joystick in X and Y to re-calibrate it. If I don’t do that and then go to fly just a little move of the joystick makes the plane bank severely.

It came with the yoke. Don’t think it works with Saitek. Find whatever yoke you use, and look for calibration program. Use the one for that specific yoke. Don’t use the settings in game.

There is also dead zone

Hi I reinstall the games and say its … :smirk:

That was the case with my honeycomb too. Checked from outside view and it works great!

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