Control Settings: What is the second column for?

Under Options → Control Options It looks like there are two columns for binding control buttons. What is the second column for and how do you use it?

An alternate binding I think.

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Correct, as @hobanagerik said, it’s for if you want to bind something to two different buttons :grinning:



Thanks! That helps a lot.

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Thanks! I had not even considered that. Another tool to use. :slight_smile:


I have (accidentally) bound a button in that second column but can’t delete that binding using the settings cog to the right of it and ‘delete control binding’ in the window that opens up.
Have you been able to delete a binding in the second column?

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how te delete?

I can delete SOME of the buttons in the 2nd column but some will not delete. I can change the ones that do not delete but cannot delete them.

How do I delete buttons in the right hand column?

Be sure the switch at the bottom of the screen is set to Secondary

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