Controller triggers for progressive input and differential brakes


I am travelling for work and wish to set up a controller profile for the analog sticks and triggers to be useful duringmmanual control (landings, take-offs, and taxiing). I have succeeded in all but one area: the brakes.

Default bindings are to have the rudder controls on the left and right triggers, with brakes as discrete on/off switch mapped to a button. I have the rudder on the right stick (and it works perfectly) but I want the brakes on the triggers.

I have succesfully mapped the left brake axis to the left trigger, and the right brake axis to the right trigger. The sensitivity adjustments show correct input recognition on the axis scales when I depress the triggers. However, no matter whether I ‘reverse axis’ or not, the brakes always operate in the reverse logic. That is to say that the untouched extended triggers apply full brakes, and releasing the brakes requires the triggers to be pulled, or fully compressed. This is obviously undesireabe and counter-intuitive, but I cannot seem to solve the issue.

Has anyone else encountered this, or do you have further suggestions for how it might be solved to work in the more intuitive and conventional manner?
