Controls are way too sensitive after ( UPDATE 5

How is everyone able to fly any aircraft after this update? Please help. I have tried everything in the sensitivity section but they remain ridiculously sensitive. Takeoff is impossible without stalling and landings are always with bounces. There is nothing graceful about the flight controls.
Attached is a picture my current sensitivity settings, any suggestions are highly appreciated

I have all my sensitivity to 0 and a little plus on the deadzone and it works fine for me. Tested with the TBM, Cessna 172 and 787.

Zero, thanks. I haven’t tried zero. So about plus 3 on deadzone

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Most deadzones are plus 2 and the rudder…I guess…plus 4 or 5.

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Thanks a lot, I’ll go try with these settings

I cant get you to take a screenshot of your settings can I?

Well, not now. What’s the Problem? :thinking:

Whenever you can, I just want to copy your settings on mine

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My Settings:
(Throttle / Rudder / Joystick) Warthog Kombi and TFRP Rudder Pedals

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Thanks so much, I’ll try these

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Keep us informed if it helps. :+1:t2:

Will do thanks