Controls option profile Ornithopter

UnInstalling Dune Ornithopter but Contoles Options\Profile\Ornithopter persists. Is there a way to delete this profile. Delete basket is grayed out.


I would like a way to Install the Ornithopter, but only as an AI object, so I can see it in MP, but I have no desire to FLY it, or more to the point NO DESIRE to have it mess up my controller settings.

Anyone figure out a way to do this, and not have it mess up one’s controller setting, when its only an AI object.

I had more than one profile in settings and the shooter did not change anything. So if you copy some profiles and rename them it may not change anything.
Cheers. Ron

Ornithopter instead of shooter. Phone changed to shooter so much for short cuts
Also change short keyboard back to normal keyboard