Convair B-58 Hustler under development

Hey Airmax! Ocassional Skyvan driver here. Would love to try and test it out on the sim. Let me know if you need any help


Any new updates to the aircraft? I cant wait for this to release.

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Just found this thread and my depression levels have just plummeted. Please, please, please continue this awesome work. I’ve always been curious about the B-58 and this would be filling in the gap of curiosity. All the images so far have been so cool
 I’m feeling like a kid again. Great work! I look forward to flying this awesome engineering marvel.


Hi SandBass, thanks! I’m happy you like this project! The good news is that an aeronautical engineer, @Marcoflyer68, is developing the flight model and engines performances, so this beast will soon be also flying as it was intended and designed to fly in real world, or at least how near is allowed by the MSFS physical engine (that has proven to be really good and surprisingly capable of simulating subltle details of very complex and advanced models - like the XB-70 to mention one very hard to deal with). Please keep on following this thread and supporting us, for the moment there is no concrete plan for publishing it, so all will depend on the interest showed by simmers!


The interest is here, so go finish it :smiley:


Ok then! :laughing: :+1:


We support you in both the
b-58 and the xb-70. Cant wait to fly them.


What degree of interest or “I want this aircraft” threshold are you looking for to publish this aircraft? A dozen users, a thousand?
I can think of a half-dozen aircraft over the past couple of years that looked great but didn’t receive the pre-release clamoring fanfare that the dev expected, so they cancelled an already finished product. So
what pre-release feedback do you desire?

Perhaps you can do a poll through Google Forms and share the news of this development with, FSElite, Avsim, and others to generate interest.

Without reading the whole thread, I’m presuming you’re evaluating if you’ll get a good ROI on what is presumably a payware product? Sadly a lot of that will be impacted by early adopter Youtubers who may or may not know what they’re doing, which will color others impressions of your products.

For what it’s worth, this aircraft seems like it’ll be very nice. I hope you proceed with it.

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Hi @Cutlass172, it’s not a simple matter of estimating a possible ROI. The fact is that I am working on this model because i like it very much, since I was 18 (so a LOT of years ago unfortunately). Distributing a plane is a total different story, it requires giving assistance, developing variants, taking care of every possible copyright issue, completing things that I have no access to (e.g. the sound package with realistic sounds). So doing all this for, let say, a dozen of aviation history enthusiast is quite hard to do. Not to mention all the commercial aspects
 but if there are a lot of people interested in this project maybe I will also adventure myself into these aspects
My first target is to have fun doing these things! To get deeper and deeper I need also a bit of financial support, but this is not my first target at all.

Perfectly understandable. I know it’s quite an endeavor. To my original question though (and perhaps that of others)
what’s your rough “interest threshold”? Again, doing a Forms survey may reveal that number so you can determine if it’s over a dozen. :slight_smile: Best wishes if you pursue this further.

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One option is to release a very basic package as freeware. No need for assistance, variants, realistic sounds, no copyright issues (avoid any trademarks etc.), keeping it all simple.

This will then allow you to collect feedback and properly gauge the potential for a paid version with greater system depth, variants, better sounds etc.

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Last March the Cessna T-37 Tweet jet trainer developed by VrilleAPlat (French for “flat spin”) was released on Didn’t get a lot of buzz on these forums and was “discovered” by a couple of the YouTube reviewers who gave it generally favorable reviews. Somewhat of a niche plane and not well known outside of the USAF and those who are familiar with the Air Forces of a number of small countries that used it. It’s freeware, not even a link to a donation site, and the textures and sounds may not be up to the standards of the better payware developers, but it’s a hoot to fly and has given me many hours of enjoyment. So far the T-37 has about 39,000 downloads.

In my opinion the B-58 is a much more iconic plane and would have a significantly bigger response. Without even having a plane available the enthusiasm on this thread is much higher than the T-37’s. We love what you’re doing, Airmax!

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Thanks, yes this is a possibility. Start with a free version and then, if it meets a real interest, push it to a commercial level.
Seems a good idea, or - as I imagined also for the XB-70 a donationware project, to develope more and more if simmers contribute to the project!


Just saw this - and like many kids of the 60’s this was one of my very first plastic models - and always my favorite. Definitely part of America’s Space Age.

This is an instant purchase for me. Thanks for your work.

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I can only say, what all the others have mentioned before. it will be a hit with the community. Next to the B 727, it was my first Revell model back in the 1960s and I would really love to have it in MSFS. I tried myself to port an old payware FSX B-58 into MSFS, but it didn’t work out properly, so eventually I gave it up.
Like has been suggested before, I also think that a freebie first and a payware thereafter would be the most sensible way to go. Here are a few pics of my conversion. The flight model was aweful and I am not experienced enough to modify it:


Well, in any form
 it is always impressive! I had this model too, and by that time it was beautiful, still it has some good points! Materials have grately improved since then, and that level of detail is no longer sufficient in comparison with other recent aircraft and this requires a lot more of work.

will you be modeling the back seats? even maybe do what milviz is doing with their sr71 and modeling it but not having any systems or buttons.

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I have seriously considered this possibility, but I couldn’t find any complete reference image or diagram for all of the panels. So I could only guess all the parts I am missing, and I don’t think this could be a useful thing.
But I have some of the panels drawing, and some signs are readable, so I could at least attempt to model them; very few possibilites to have something working though, so just a visual mockup
 but a huge work to obtain this. I think this will be an addition on future releases, after the “base” model is completed and working.
PS on the net you can find a beautiful model by Marek Rys, that seems to have all the panels with their labels and controls, but I couldn’t find out how to get this model. even paying for it of course. I think that Milviz bought the model, and they keep it in their “storage” to use it sooner or later, but for the moment don’t think they are going to make a B-58 AFAIK.

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Sounds good. This will definitely be one of the rare instances when I pay for an addon. :+1:

The plane looks great. If you like WWII planes at all, i have some suggestions for future developments for you:

1.) Curtiss-Wright XP-55 Ascender
2.) Kyushu JW7 Shinden
3.) Dornier DO-335 Pfeil

Those would be a very welcome addition and some of my most desired planes in the sim. I miss the old Ascender on CFS3. Anyway, keep up the good work Airmax514!

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