Copilot inside

Hi folks,
Is it possible to see the copilot inside the cockpit? (this option would be nice by the way) And if this is not possible, is it possible to turn off the copilot for external camera?

Co pilot is already visible in external view. Do you want to see co pilot from internal view?

It’s a nice wish. If it’s possible it would be good to see loaded passengers as well.

If it wAs an option also, would help those with lower spec machines,

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No, no internal copilot. External view, yes I do believe I recall seeing the option to turn the copilot off in the settings. Just go through the settings.

*EDIT - hmmm, I might be mistaken. I think the copilot options in the camera settings were relating to something else. At work so can’t check. Apologies if I was wrong.

You can’t see it from inside, only pilot. And from the outside view, you can switch either off or on, via option, amd miscelllaneous :wink:

And where is this option to turn off the instructor/copilot in external view you speak of?

Both choosing the avatar as “DEFAULT” setting with no avatar pic showing in the menu results in the avatar still showing in the external view whether it be for co-pilot or imsteuctor.

Also to note there are presently only two avatars showing under the “INSTRUCTOR” menu - PILOT 5 and PILOT 18.

Me bad…i thought it was “off” but it’s “default”…thus, always visible from outside. My apologies

Ah, no problem! I was kinda hyped there for a moment. I can never get that freeloading avatar out of my plane even with weight set to zero! So all my screenshots show somebody holding my hand in the cockpit.

Sure would be nice if weight is set for only yourself that indeed the other avatar is automatically switched to “OFF” for both co-pilot and instructor.


I made a post on steam about this a while back. They should set up the option of removing a copilot from the plane from external views.
It throws off the immersion a bit when you’re supposedly hauling 600 lbs of sun ripened tomatoes to some far out village in the middle of nowhere, and go to take a screenshot and see your girlfriend sitting behind you in your XCub!


How can I make myself visible in the cockpit?

My cockpits are allways empty.

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I can see my co-pilot, Use the smart camera and position it behind the seats. Both pilot and co-pilot are visible.

I haven’t tried this but what if you set your copilot weight to 0.0lb?

I know you can turn off copilot in the Mooney M20R though.

Nothing at all works. I’ve tried everything, short of going into code.

The copilot will be renamed to Kate Moss.

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Just bring it back to the table. I know the world will never be perfect but the empty cockpits and cabins are annoying to me.

theres a mod out just for this


thank you! Unfortunately my prefered Beechcraft Baron is blacklistetd.

Hello! Here is my way of making a copilot and a pilot appear in the cockpit:

Thank you!