Cork Airport (EICK) Scenery for Microsoft Flight Simulator
Check it out: simMarket: CORK AIRPORT MSFS
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I’m a Cork man myself and I have been looking for this!
Great! I hope you like it
Can’t wait to try it out!
I purchased it and I love it!
Finally a mod for Cork Airport modeled well and working jetways!
A quick questions on stairways. Is there any parking with working stairways?
Great! Regarding the stairs, they should spawn next to your plane automatically depending on your settings. The ones I placed down are just static models
Thanks will give it go!
Nice work
Hello can you please introduce the use of stairs and remove the bad bump on the runway?
Other than that great job!
Looks great! Any plans on releasing this for casual gamers such as myself on Xbox?
Seems strange that you can purchase other airports including Kerry Airport, but nobody has released a Cork Airport addon yet!
I presume your a fellow Cork man!
Yeah it’s a decent add on to be fair with some minor bugs
Yes from Cork and I suppose all gamers will want to fly around their home city!
Even on the Xbox, Cork City looks amazing (besides missing County Hall on the straight road) but would love a more accurate airport model to purchase and this looks great.
I’m a Glanmire man myself!
Yeah the default airport is herendous!
Hopefully something will be released for you on Xbox!
Hi there, I’m the developer of Cork airport for MSFS. Unfortunatley, this scenery will not be releasing on Xbox any time soon. This is because I have little experience with xbox development, and I am yet to be accepted into the Microsoft partner program, which means I cannot sell my products on the MSFS marketplace yet.
Sorry for any inconvenience.
i think you did a great job.
Thank you very much!
awesome effort!
can you add stairs please? I can’t seem to use them on any of the stands.
Thanks! I’m so sorry but unfortunately that is beyond my control. It’s all Microsoft flight simulator which places the animated stairs. All I can do is add stationary stairs. Perhaps there’s something in your msfs setting you can change? But as far as I’m aware and as far my ability goes, I can’t do much about it. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
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