Course and vertical speed bug (not bug, rotary bug)

I got myself a 5 rotary button box. I want to use these rotaries for autopilot values like spd hdg alt crs and vertical speed. I guess I have figured out spd hdg alt rotaries but couldn’t find course and vspeed increase decrease assignments. Can you help?

Moved to User Support Hub as OP is requesting community assistance.

Hi cenk.

In MS 2024, the course (Heading Bug) control names are:

Increase Heading Bug
Decrease Heading Bug

These are each mapped to one of the rotary controls on my VKB autopilot panel, like this:

For Vertical Speed, the control names are:

Decrease Autopilot Reference VS
Increase Autopilot Reference VS

Same applies for mapping as per the above:

I hope this is helpful. If you’re looking for help with MSFS 2020 instead of 24, I think the control names were very similar, but I’ll check if you need confirmation.