Cowan Simulation EC130 / H130

Surprise on a Monday! Wow! I can’t wait for a 130 on the MP.

At first I thought it would be a gazelle but I think Cowan is sticking to modern birds these days. Would love to see a gazelle from Taog’s hanger to complete the Heritage. (Alouette, Lama, Gazelle, Puma, Squirrel H125, and the H130 EcoStar)

This could also be an EC120 Colibri/Hummingbird but we will have to wait for more details I guess!


That’s my guess, yes.

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Cowan also has a S76C and a Bo 105 in the works.


BO105!?!! YES!! Cant wait!

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Cool stuff incoming! :helicopter:


Nice surprise after an announcement only a couple weeks ago:

Comes with 50 liveries!

Wow beautiful :heart_eyes:

Any reviews/first impression videos out there yet?

Great! Gotta buy the R22 first, but I guess this wont come to xbox just yet.

Does the H130 allow proper autorotations with split needles like Cowansim’s R66?

Amazing! I’d like so much see an Agusta 109 to MSFS…with some realism and quality of course! Who knows?! :slight_smile:

Cowan is considering an A109 and a BO105 for the future.


The H130 looks great, but it feels to me like all Cowansim helicopters are basically the same. On the positive side, all the earlier models got a version 2 update to bring them to a similar standard. But currently they are all too similar. Cowansim seem to have created a very efficient development pipeline where you input a 3D model, add some standard gauges from the catalog, modify a few FM parameters, and there is the newest shiny Cowansim helicopter.


Don´t agree with you - every Cowan helo has its own character,is fun to fly, and you have to learn how, on every new one. I love it. Specially the fm is different on every single helo from CS - and seem to fit to real life experienced reviewers results, speaking about essential,special aircraft behaviour. Where is the flood of new helos from other developers, if it´s that easy as you say?


I did not say it is easy, I said they are very efficient at what they do.

There are only a few helicopter devs, and most take a long time to release a new model. Cowansim have managed to release at an impressive cadence, and their products are not bad at all. Just a bit too similar for my taste, so I question why I should buy the new H130. The only unique thing I see is the new G3X.

But who am I kidding, I will probably buy the H130 on the weekend. :grin:


Okay so I bought the H130 and had a quick first flight. First of all, the model looks wonderful inside and outside. Lots of liveries and variations using the weight and balance dialog. Nice avionics options as well, featuring the new WT G3X for the first time.

So far so good. Let’s get in the air, starting with the engine running on a helipad. That’s where things get slightly ugly. Getting light on the skids does not really give a hint where the helicopter wants to go. Suddenly I am lurching forward. Okay, got it with the cyclic slightly back. But now the thing starts to go up and down like a yo-yo. Touching down, going up about 6 feet, touching down again, without me moving the collective. My small cyclic and pedal inputs cause serious fluctuations on the FLI, maybe that is causing the yo-yo effect?

I spend some minutes performing a hover taxi, and not enjoying myself at all. The H130 feels weird in ground effect. A circuit around the airport is okay, but getting back down and hovering back to the helipad once again does feel weird and hard to control.

So much for my first flight. I will spend more time with this helicopter, but my first impression of the flight model is not very good. Last weekend I flew all of Cowansim‘s helicopters with the latest updates and enjoyed most of them, especially the recent R66 and R22. Hopefully it’s just me, and others have more fun with the H130. I would love to hear other people’s impressions!


I guess at least the flight model is different this time? :thinking::grin:


i noticed something similar. it definitely feels a little strange in ground effect. outside of that, it’s a solid little chopper / nice flyer

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Super funny response. Couldn’t figure our how to select the laughing reaction, so I had to make this post in lieu of an emote reaction. Almost all my posts are either misread or misinterpreted, so I felt I should clarify why I reacted with the exploding head - which I’m not sure if that actually means someone is angry.

In response to other posters in the thread:
Even though this helicopter might actually be a close carbon copy of their H125 flight model, I’m still going to buy it from the Marketplace. How could I not want an H125 with a better view while only sacraficing meager performance. Also, the 130 is actually the model that is flown by a local touring company in my area, but I can see why it might not be of interest to many.

Regarding the flight model. The local helicopter tour company in my area crashes about once or twice a year (at least it seems that way), so if the flight model is more twitchy and uncontrollable than the 125, it will be easier for me to accept it as “realistic” :slightly_smiling_face:


So I spent some time today with the H130 and after some hover practice and a few traffic patterns I would say I can get used to the flight model, but I don’t love it. Did some comparison flights with the Cowansim H125, R66 and R22, and I like all of their flight models better than the H130. My personal ranking would be:

  1. R22
  2. R66
  3. H125
  4. H130

But the H130 looks undeniably cool and the Working Title G3X is nice, so I don’t regret my purchase.