Cowan Simulation MD 500 E helicopter

Nice! Its not possible flying with that precision on a xbox controller… :frowning:
Well flying yes, landing no.
Gotta go fly it now to try land on that rig as smooth as you.

Vr helps too of course.

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If you don’t plan to get a proper stick, get one of these or go to your local hardware shop and search for a plastic tubing that just fits over the stick and has enough tension to stay in place while you move the stick around. Or print it yourself. Then you will be able to use less deadzone and a higher sensitivity with a more linear curve, while gaining overall precision. Had a similar mod years ago for the travelcase, and it worked very well (for what it is, but it can’t beat a stick, or even better: an extended stick, or even better than better, an extended FFB stick.).


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Just flew around rio, and it seems my doesnt look like his, but I do have the precision!
But its the collective/antitorque that doesnt really work well on the controller, I have the collective on the A and B ( so I can look around on the stick) and pushing the triggers with precision at the same time tapping the buttons is no smooth task. But this chopper flies really nice now, with a 0 deadzone and sense on cyclic on 75%.
If you fly with standard controllers settings it doesnt fly very calm! Dont do that!

I’ve been having an issue with the 500 ever since the last update. It seems like either the roll axis is fighting me (like an autopilot or autotrim) or that there is an aggressive null zone on the Y axis. When I move my joystick slowly to the side, the in-game cyclic doesn’t move the same and will suddenly jump to the side after I’ve moved my joystick a considerable distance. I’ve checked the sensitivities in the control menu settings and they are set exactly as indicated in the user manual with no null zone at all and the XY plot shows smooth motion, but in the sim it lurches around. The pitch axis works fine, nice and smooth. Anyone else seeing this?

Hi, I’m thinking about buying this module to do some “chairfly”, as I fly this heli IRL for pilot training. How the flight model compares to the real helicopter?


I am sure everyone here would love your feedback, if you decide to buy it! Not sure we ever had a review from a real world MD500 pilot.


Then I shall be the first :sweat_smile:
But of course it will never be the same, It’s impossible to recreate flight on a computer, at least on cosumer softwares. I had the same experience with the IFT MB339


Well, if you fly with a VR headset things would be different - it’s like you are integrated in the sim. Guess you cannot compare a monitor flight with real… but still, can’t wait for your review :wink:


I agree. I dont see how anyone can fly a helicopter on a 2D monitor. How do you know if you are drifting? How do you know whats to your right or left? How do you look down through the windows while landing and still have situational awareness? VR takes this sim to an entirely different level. The best homebuilt cockpit still wont give you the real cockpit and the ability to look around as you would in the real world. I can see how someone could fly fixed wing in 2D but not a Helicopter.


Well let me show you. (Videos in post below.)

TrakIR or the Tobii head tracking device. I 1000% (extra zero is not a typo) agree with you. If I didn’t have head tracking or VR, I wouldn’t play this game.


Ooooh fancy pants rich McGee over here. :rofl: For I am merely mortal on an Xbox. While I have a HOTAS and rudders I can’t see how some only use a Xbox controller / game pad. Only using four fingers for the job of 4 limbs, and your head movement!
If I had VR and a full virpil set up I’d never leave the house! :drooling_face: One can only dream!


Do not wish for this.

I go to work and yes rarely leave the house otherwise :grimacing:

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Well thats cool but its nowhere near as real as in VR. To each there own but being inside the real helicopter cockpit just makes this game so much more real.


I make do with my silly mouse panning and quick view buttons.

I know what you’re saying though after using peripherals I could never go back to a keyboard and mouse…

I’m sure after being fully immersed in VR; pancake mode must be a dull view. And I’m sure those with fully articulating motion rigs could never imagine sitting still while flying again.

“Any monitor can be VR… if you sit close enough.” :rofl:

When i had the stutter problems with the H130 i tested the 2D monitor view if it was VR, i tell you, i flew like an idiot :rofl: i couldn’t even take off without looking totally newbish… Once you do VR you will never ever fly again in 2D and your brain can’t do monitor flying anymore.


Has the poor flight model’s quality been already reported? Power settings are all over the place and there is this constant need to bank left to maintain direction which isn’t present IRL


Time to bump this thread because I just had the best flight yet in this on 2024!
Its FANTASTIC in 2024!!
I had already tested it, but coming back to it again after testing and flying so many choppers with strange and crazy behaviors this flies like a dream!
Supercontrollable, yet nervous and responsive, and the cyclic actually works as a cyclic and tailrotor is easy to judge!
And sound with doors of great!

This is clearly better then in 2020, it was good there but only if you put sensetivity on -75 on cyclic, but it was still not as good as this!
This is probably the best chopper in 2024 right now! Followed by the new R66.


I just tried the Cowansim MD500E in MSFS2024 and agree, it flies quite well and probably better than in 2020.
One issue I had in my test flight was that the torque was always going up and down. Probably the governor or engine needing some fine tuning?


Love this heli in 2024 so far. I’m trying to configure the 500e to only use the steam gauges variant on the main panel, with the G530/430 gps’s active in the center console, but I’m getting inconsistent behaviour on the radio stack. Sometimes no power to anything in the console, radios etc despite BAT and GEN switches on. If I switch the panel variant, the gns 750 does appear but the center console equipment remains inop. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t and I am hoping someone here can point me in the right direction, or let me know what I’m doing wrong, or let me know if I just need to be patient. Many thanks in advance.

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