CowanSim 500E vs. 206B3

Is it worth of buying CowanSim 500E if I already have CowanSim 206B3? My add-on helicopter fleet is now Mini 500, 206B3, H145 and MV-22 (half helicopter…) which is a good set as they all are very different to fly. There is still a discount price for 500E but I’m wondering is it too similar than 206B3?

If you like Helicopters, you’ll really be missing out not having the 500E, it’s a blast to fly with it’s relatively small profile and high power. Take the doors off for maximum view, configure for various tasks and away you go.

I think this is a matter of preference, but keep in mind the helicopter flight model in the sim is still very broken which is the reason I’m using X-plane for helicopters. Both these helicopters are so much better in XP compared to MSFS. Asobo needs to put in some work into the flight model for the next update.

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I’d say it’s right in the middle in terms of Fly-ability between the Mini-500 and the 206. I find the 206 to be touchy on collective and pedals, the Mini-500 to be incredibly forgiving on those, and the 500E a nice middle-ground. Visibility is a bit better (I fly VR) and power smoother on the 500E.

Besides. You gotta play the Magnum Music in your head in the 500E. That alone is worth the price.

ps: The H145 isn’t in the Marketplace yet, is it? Looking forward to adding that.

Thanks for answers, they are all very helpful!

My preference number one is to experience different kind of helicopters (I just like them!), not the shell but the soul. I think 206B3 is good, but a bit like a boat on waves. I agree, that Mini 500 is more flyable and I like it a lot. High power of 500E sounds good!

I think that H145 is only available from HPG website. It was my first helicopter and in my opinnion a must have with the action pack!

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Of the three Cowansim helicopters for MSFS, the 500E is my favorite. Very powerful and nimble, and beautifully modelled except for the doors from the inside. Flying the 500E is a lot more interesting and fun than the 206!


Yeah the 500e is the best chopper in the game! But the mini 500 is the best to fly.

I haven’t flown a helicopter in MSFS yet. I use an alpha/bravo set for GA, but I have a TM16000 HOTAS I use in DCS. Works OK, even though it’s very ‘entry level.’ I have rudder pedals.

Would that TM HOTAS be suitable for flying helicopters? I’ve heard that some people remove the springs in a joystick to make it act more like a cyclic (i.e floppy, not springy…) But that would render it unsuitable for DCS. Conundrum.

I’m not too keen on buying a dedicated helicopter controller rig, but if the TM HOTAS would work, and some day I upgrade my HOTAS to a Virpil or Winwing, I’d remove the springs on the TM joystick and have at it.

…or get a joystick that can take extensions and then you could add and remove an extension depending on which aircraft you want to fly. Adding an extension will have a similar effect to weakening or even removing the centring springs btw.

For example, I fit a 20cm extension to my TM Warthog stick, when flying helicopters which have a long cyclic IRL.

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You can absolutely use your HOTAS to fly helicopters! When I started flying helicopters I used the same setup. Only problem was I had trouble with fine adjustments on the collective/throttle. Then I moved to the Bravo throttle, much easier to do small adjustments. Actually quite okay for helicopters. You can invert the collective axis if you want, so lowering the lever lowers your collective. But I never got used to that.

Nowadays I have a Virpil joystick with extension and low tension springs, plus Virpil collective mounted to my office chair. I love this setup, but it is definitely not needed to enjoy helicopters in MSFS.

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Now I have 500E and couple of hours flying experience… And yes, it was a worth of buying as it is different enough to fly than 206B3. I like its speed, but it’s very hard to keep the helicopter in steady hoover state during the final few meters in landing.

What comes to TM16000 HOTAS, I decided just yesterday to replace my modified TM16000 HOTAS (see picture → no spring, increased grip and very ugly…) by following Virpil stuff:

  • VPC MongoosT-50CM3 Base (I’ll use my current Warthog grip).
  • VPC Rotor TCS Plus Base
  • VPC Hawk-60 Collective Grip

It was not an easy solution, but my workmate wisely pointed out that you don’t have a car, a sailing boat or a dog with maladies, just do it!

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B206 most stable and benign
500E Fun, nimble but will bite if you’re not careful
H125 bites you before you even pick up for me totally unstable

But im sure others will say different ive found a lot comes down to how you set your stick and pedals up

Wonderful shopping list :star_struck: I heard the Warthog grip is quite heavy. I can recommend the Constellation grip, quite similar to the real H145 grip. Did you order the 200 mm extension as well?

Yes, it’s quite heavy, but I’ll use it without the extension, and I think that it’s not a problem then. The extension is not possible as I have built my cockpit around racing Playseat and my sitting position is very low. And yes, I almost ordered Constellation grip, but then I just decided to save some money. :money_mouth_face:

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I only had the HOTAS/Pedals as a surrogate set of pedals for the V1, but started using it for helicopters. The throttle is fairly good at emulating the basic collective, and loosening the tension nut all the way makes it not too much work to hold for distances. I really don’t like it much as a flight stick and was going to replace to the TB flight stick/new pedals, but that setup is not as good for helis. Until they make a collective for xbox, the throttle off to the side a bit is about the closest thing I can get without fabrication. For the price I think it does pretty good. Have no issues diving into suspension bridges and flying under all the road signs/obstacles at full speed or landing on any moving ship(including the mini-deck on a Ticonderoga), even backwards or sideways. I do use a couple rubber bands against the sides of the throttle lever, and added a little dead zone at center of it to offset the slight inaccuracy of the notch. I guess it can become a little tiresome holding the same attitude for over 15 minutes or so.

I had the same experience with the 125, but it is such an amazing looking bird, one that I just love to look at… so I kept with it and it finally just clicked, I got the hang of it and now I can hover and land wherever I want. I’m still a noob but when that click happened, it was like a game changer for this aircraft. Perhaps a recent update changed things, I can’t quite recall when my click happened. Might be worth trying it again if you haven’t since the latest update.

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yes since last update 125 is great infact i went back to the 206 after id been flying other stuff and found that really hard lol

How do you take the doors off on the 500e? I going crazy trying to find the clickspot to remove them.

You have to do it in the weight menu. Change the 40 to 0