Cpu/gpu usage

This is a decent usage guys?

Yes can probably push the gpu a little more if you wanted.

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What kind of CPU are you running there?

yes similar gpu/cpu usage with i9-9900K 5ghz and 1080ti. doesnt matter the hardware you use

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gpu looks fine to me. I like my range to 80-90% utilization.

you can try to push CPU more, maybe to 50-60% range. My personal preference is to have decent amount of overhead / extra % in reserve so I don’t tank the computer as I approach a city/airport, especially a photogrammetry city when my cpu would shoot up to sometimes 90%. If I don’t leave that extra %, the game will start to stutter.

Mine is a i7 - 9700k

Looks about right, and within a good range. My cpu is around 29% with a i7-10700k

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GPU at 100% is ideal.

I like to turn up settings till I get 100% utilization

I have the same processor as the op.
But with a Radeon rx 570 with 4gb.
Frame rates of 25-30 in the air.
Over photogrammetric cities and landing at airports in particular JFK and LAX my frame rates dip to 13-17.
My maximum usable settings are medium at 1080p
How do you go with a rx5700xt?

im flying pretty well and with 110% render at 1920x1080 , some graphics in Ultra and High , just have low shadows and glass cockpit refresh in low

Agree - can do more there on the GPU - if you are maxed out, you can tweak up the resolution scaling slightly

good utilization, rise your graphics in the game