Crash to ground in Cessna 152

Hi everyone,

I am experiencing crash to ground when flying the Cessna 152 (steam gauges). I have seen posts relating to the tutorial bug, but what I experience happens in normal VFR flights.

Some scenarios:

  • Straight and level flight 3000 Ft, with no flaps on. I get 2 violent shakes (accompanied by loud noise inside the cockpit) similar to the rudder shaking; the next second, I am rolling on the ground and crash into trees in front of me. The simulator does not crash to desktop, but the mission ends.

  • On approach to an airport, lowering my speed and deploying flaps. I hear the noise, the aircraft shakes and I appear on the ground. The mission ends as I crashed !

The community folder has some files for Neofly and all these issues happened before and after the WU6 update.

It does seem like a bug and not sure whether there is a fix.

Anyone knows anything about this?

You say “mission ends”. What mission(s) are you playing? This could be a bug with mission parameters. Loud bang and loss of control definitely sounds like some sort of damage but the game doesn’t have it by default, you would get a black screen instead.

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What you describe sounds like a classic stall and spin. Can you confirm it is NOT a stall, i.e. you are handling the aircraft correct?

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Yes, I was using Neofly and playing one of its missions.
I am not sure whether it is related to the addon - the failures are random. I’ll report that to Neofly also.

True to say that everything works fine when I am not using Neofly.

I now recall that Neofly has the damage options - i was doing a mission flying over North Korea, and was hit by a missile - quite an impressive simulation (loss of power, sound effect, etc) but then, yes, it can happen as a bug during other scenarios.

No, not a stall at all.
I was watching my airspeed; and in some occasions it happened during straight and level flights with cruise air speeds.

It felt like a heavy wind sudden direction change on the rudder. Since I was using VR, it was quite shocking to suddenly see trees appear in front of me.

But I’ll try to remove Neofly first; it could be a bug there.

Thanks everyone, I just deleted Neofly and everything worked fine !