Crashed on bush trip, restarts from water and can't restart leg

Thanks for th hint, but there is no folder “\LocalState” (/anymore?) Or am I looking at the wrong place? If it still exists, could you please post the full path? Thanks!

If you are on PC, feel free to check out MissionChanger: MissionChanger » Microsoft Flight Simulator

Select your mission, lift the aircraft and remove the “IsOnGround”-Flag. Save and restart your mission. A restart of the sim is mandatory.

If it is not working, pleae contact me by DM.


Thanks for that, I’ll have a look.

There must be a parameter in one of the config files I can change for the altitude then?

This really needs dev attention. I was doing Nevada bush trip leg 1. I was flying low over the lake and got distracted, forgetting to hit esc. I crashed into the water, and now every time I restart it spawns me in the water. I have tried deleting the files for the bush trip as well… still spawns in the water.

Thanks for the hint about deleting the trip file, but there is no folder “\LocalState” (anymore?) Or am I looking at the wrong place? If it still exists, could you please post the full path? Thanks!

If you go back to main menu then open Bush trips and then the Bush trip leg you were doing it will start you at the airfield which you departed from on the leg that you crashed. This happened to me on Germany Journey Bush trip where upon I couldn’t clear a mountain and kept respawning the leg just before colliding with mountain. Going back to main menu and restart Bush challenge doves the problem.