I’ve been trying to get the TBM 930 to lose lift from excessive icing in the bad weather over Louisianan, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. I can get my windows to ice up, pitot to freeze and you can visibly see ice on the airframe and the outline of it on the prop, but the plane remains flying without any loss of lift.
Was icing not modeled into the physics of the game? Has anyone managed to crash due to loss of lift from icing?
2020 or 2024?
i have crashed from icing in 2024 in the 172, after about 30 minutes in heavy icing conditions i was having trouble holding altitude at 5000ft and full power gave me 2000rpm, at 65kias i disconnected ap and i stalled it almost inmediately and dropped like a stone
Moved to User Support Hub that is more appropriate for community support.
Icing functionality must be configured for each aircraft so I would say realism may vary from one aircraft to another depending how accurate those parameters have been set by the devs.
I’m assuming you have chosen the right settings for icing in the settings menu as there is an option for icing visuals only with no effects so if you chose that it would make sense what you are seeing.
Changing it from on to visual while on autopilot might tell if there are any changes at all to your flight due to the icing. I’ve had no problems accidentally crash a 172 that iced, I never noticed icing in the TBM930 because I turn on de-icing when needed.