Crashing on Xbox series X

I don’t understand why mine is if yours is completely fine. Have you downloaded any of the free packs ?
Also what settings have you got on. Have you maxed the AI traffic and ground traffic ect?
My internet is fine so I don’t think that’s the problem but can’t work out what is…

It’s unstable software. It isn’t reliable. It may work fine depending on all kinds of data variants. It reminds me of debugging a file system.

Just default settings

Have you downloaded any of the packs

Yeah. I’ve got all installed.

God knows why mines crashing then. I’ll try reset settings.

Good luck!

Try disabling AI traffic - this can cause CTDs on PC, but not sure about xbox

I will try that. Just so frustrating I want to fly !

Topic moved into #community:general-discussion-feedback
The SDK category is for discussion/questions related to the SDK

There is also a category for crashes (CTDS): #bugs-and-issues:ctds

I have been getting crashes on Xbox series X, I have seen it happening mostly on IFR flights after being assigned an approach flying the last few legs of the IFR flight, using both a C172 and the beechcraft Bonanza using the ATC service. But it doesn’t happen all the time, seems to be random. Haven’t found a solution yet.

Have to say I’ve not had a single crash yet on the series X. Some texture load in issues and the odd stutter though.

That’s how most of my CTDs happen on PC. I get my approach, start my descent to my assigned fix. Then I will get a quick pause and some stuttering. Sometimes, it will recover, other times, it crashes completely.

I don’t think this has anything to do with your settings. This is a problem with the code base.

What you describe is exactly how it happens, so yeah most likely the code, I had all players on traffic switched to live players and AI traffic to see if it changes anything.

I never have multiplayer on so that’s not an issue for me. I never use AI traffic which is known to be problematic. I use Live Traffic. But I’ve tried with it on and off and still get crashes with the same frequency. And this particular bug is always there. Like I said, I always see that small stutter / pause when going down to my approach fix. It’s a toss of the coin whether or not it recovers from it or crashes.

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Same problem many are having on the PC version.

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I’ve had 3 crashes on Xbox all while using the G1000 NXi mod. I’ve now installed the new version of the mod and not had a single crash since.

I seem to crash if I fly longer then a hour, last night I flew from Detroit to Kansas City abs as I was about to land the game froze then crashed to the hone screen

I wonder if the mod is the issue I’m thinking if un installing it to see if that will help my series x

I installed the new update for this mod and mine crashed as I was descending into New York… 3hr flight wasted! This is getting very frustrating now.