Create company greyed out

why cant i make a cargo company i have enough money

You also need enough money to buy the plane before you can create a company

did you even look at the screenshot, it doenst say what plane i need and i already have a plane for my 1st company so why cant that be used for the cargo one

Yes, and im just trying to be helpful. The cargo company uses a cargo variant plane. You cant use a plane you bought with another company, such as a passenger plane

ok but look at my pic, it doesnt say what plane is needed for cargo. and i tried to look for were to buy a 2nd plane to make a 2nd company but i couldnt find it

Yeah, I was confused as well when I tried to create one because it doesnt specifically say that you also need another such amount of money to buy the first plane for that company. After you buy the company, the next screen or so takes you to buy the plane needed

what did you mean? its always been greyed out for me and how are u meant to know how much money you need when the game wont show you the price of the 2nd plane u want to buy

In your screenshot, the 218,310cr is the cheapest cost for the plane you’ll need. So you need that plus the 10,000cr in your account before the create company option isnt greyed out

okay if you say so but have they nerfed the payout im only getting 12k when i used to get 25k for sight seeing company missions

Ive heard people say payouts seem to fluctuate and not pay much at times. Light cargo flights as an employee seemed to always pay around 35k-50k. I just grinded those till i could buy another

how did you earn so much money to make a 2nd company because i crashed my plane once and ever since then its beein so difficult to fly

Yeah, I have done about 50 hours in flights and havent crashed yet. Crashing your first plane that you buy kinda screws you if thats the only one you have because the freelance missions you do with it just pay way better. I do know the turbulence from those low flying sightseeing missions were rough and made some close difficult landings especially in crosswinds

it was very easy to earn money before today. right now its 10k for a company mission and thats the same as a contract mission.

i earned 110k and more than that but a lot of it was ued to fix my plane but now im only earning 9k lol its crazy the nerf they gave