Creating the MSFS version of the Short Skyvan turboprop plane!

Neat Plane!
Can’t wait to see where this project goes!

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My jaw’s on the floor. I can’t wait

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My personal favorite version, the Olympic Airways SC7… I loved it since the first time I saw the Airfix model, that I built when I was maybe… 16.
Now I can fly it! Just amazing how I thought it would be.


I started adding some texture paint for scratches and “wear-and-tear”… but I have a lot to learn, probably this is the most difficult part for me.
The cloche is just an experiment…


Can we get a no-GPS option?

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7 props? Interesting configuration!

Afterthought: it might be common for the Skyvan, but I hadn’t really seen any others planes using these blades :thinking:

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Pink Skyvans are the only one i know, they have 3 skyvans, two of them habe 7 blades now and one still habe 5 blade prop but i think it will also get 7 blade


Yes it looks cool!

This is looking really nice, @Airmax514! Is this going to be freeware or payware?

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Difficult to say at the moment. As I wrote I am enjoying working on it, and as the work progresses I am getting more fun.
I would like making it available for free, it’s so good to share a project with other simmers. But at least I would try some commercial experiment, simply because I need to buy new tools, a new PC, maybe a 3d visor… and why not, travel to airports to get pictures of the planes, if I could be allowed to enter in the cockpit and take some photos and measurements…
Just dreaming maybe…!


Oh, just curious! It certainly looks like you have the passion for the creation that this is going to end up payware quality, and I’m a firm believer in creative folks being compensated for their work!

Appreciate you bringing us along to watch it come together.

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If it’s free, make sure to put a link to buy you some coffee in the listing!

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The more I use it the less I think it’s “ugly”… the fuselage reminds me more an helicopter than a plane, and as an helicopter no one would probably call it “ugly” because helicopters are (or better were in the past) less aerodynamic and more functional. Aerodynamic shape looks good to almost all istinctively, but in most cases it’s not good for internal space and easyness of use.


How’s the work going?

I have a question about engine modelling: MSFS is notoriously limited with its PT6-based turboprop modelling, although both the Azurpoly Transall with its RR Tyne and IniBuilds MU-2 with Garret TPE331s, the same type that powers the Skyvan, managed to model single shaft turboprops pretty well. How’s your Skyvan in this regard?

Cheers and good luck

A-ha… well I managed to obtain a reasonably well performing SC7, but there is still a lot to do with the engines modelling.
In these week I am more focused on improving the realism of the plane materials, both inside and outside, and this takes a lot of time, but also gives some fun when I see results coming…
But the engines are a really pivotal aspect, and I have to work on them again for sure.

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Under no circumstances I should be though of as someone calling you out and demanding ““study level”” bells and whistles from what seems to be just a fun hobbyist project, of course. I was just eager to know whether the MSFS engine modelling was an obstacle for you. I know something about this since a long time ago I’ve made an improvement mod for X-Hangar C-130 for X-Plane 11, focused on engines and correct instrument indications. It was a pain in the a** trying to get these to resemble real T56s. And this was in X-Plane which is notoriously more conductive to “unconventional” solutions like single-shaft turboprops.


Yes you know these things very well I see, MSFS is a powerful and realistic simulator, and has a lot of parameters that allow to obtain pretty realistic modelling of many parts of the planes, but it still requires a lot of knowledge and experience and even creativity to achieve optimal results.
On the XB70 with the essential help of @Marcoflyer68 we obtained a surprisingly good behavior on a really extreme aircraft.
It took a lot of trial and errors anyway|

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Working on gauges lighting now, I have placed a small spot on each single gauge, so the panel is now lighted by real lights, no textures simulating lighting… what a difference from old fsx style!
I like this effect, but I get some erratical differences in lighting among the gauges even if I used exactly the same lights for all of them.


Splendid! Would you consider a way fo hide the GTN to have a full analog cockpit?

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Yes of course… I love analog cockpits and the idea is to create models without any glass cockpit technology.
But for the moment I must admit that the navigation during test flights is much easier with an Aera GPS and an autopilot…
The final version will have only analog gauges, even if this is more “historical” than realistic, since most of the pictures I see of recent Skyvans have at least a gps onboard.
On the older planes I also see no HSI at all, only compass and VOR, an I’m not sure about the autopilot, even if it is described in fligth manual…
Very tough way of navigating, but also very far from the de-humanized all artificial computer controlled planes where the pilots spend 99% of the time just controlling what the FMC is doing…

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