Unless you pay for the most recent navdata, Simbrief will use out of date information that is not in sync with MSFS. It would be much better if the CRJ used the built in - up to date - navdata that was already “paid” for.
[quote=“SkySteve53, post:14, topic:379627, full:true”]
I totally get it. I’m trying to learn more about flying airliners, but the pre-flght time is not much fun for me.[/quote]
I understand but is such a reward when you have done all the setup and manage to take off! But of course you have to allocate more time for a flight session and that might be a challenge.
If you mean Navigraph? Yes I’ve had Navigraph Charts for a few years now. It’s not cheap but works great in all the sims. I’d love to have Foreflight, but that is even more expensive if you want the whole world. Only thing it lacks are VFR sectionals, but I think they are working on that.
But I wonder if the Simbrief flight plan interferes with the MSFS flight plan or vice versa. I never use the FS flight plan. I just leave it with the departure and destination as a VFR flight, and then import the Simbrief plan once in the cockpit. I wonder if I’m doing it correctly?
I also use the GTN750 in X-Plane, which is only updated sporadically. Navigraph doesn’t update the RXP GTN750. But it doesn’t seem to make a huge difference. It only matters when sids, and stars are updated and not in the database. But when that happens you can always type them in manually if you need it. I use the Charts app from Navigraph which is excellent. I hope they add VFR sectionals to the package soon!
I would not rule out updates in the future with Aerosoft and MSFS. Remember this is a foundation of that will ultimately be. Like any flight sim , kinks are worked out , perfected , messed up and perfected again. Its a very cool plane and you can really learn a lot once the time and effort is in play. Its not plane that jumps off the ground right away , but there are absolutely no limitations to what this plane could be like once the complete integration works with MSFS. The dude has alot of informative information but I am a hands and and I really get bored listening to it when you have a nice shiny plane that you just want to get up in the air. I feel you 100% and it might not be the right time now for the CRJ - But in time , I think you will find it cool . Blue Skies
I didn’t buy the crj as I am not a fan of it but I am one of those who enjoys spawn in runway with the world map setting up of flight plan which I can then go following it with AP in default aircraft and FBW A32NX, only following with altitude AP input in flight to go for most of the flight.
My enjoyment comes from the descend and approach phase, where it don’t matter if I use the default auto loaded flight plan or manual input as I always switch off all automation including auto throttle and do everything manually no matter in what weather condition.
By that way I think both flight planning method don’t affect me, mostly I use the ap to cruise out most of the scenery viewing flight time to hold proper heading and altitude than flying hours in plain sky with my PS4 controller
You would have to program the flight plan on the CRJ because it doesn’t use the flight planner and as such, doesn’t have the flight plan in the system for you to follow. So, this probably isn’t for you.
My qualm with the way SimBrief import works is that it will just all waypoints separately, which I guess is FINE, but I enjoy entering airways and having it populate the relevant waypoints on the length of the airway I am taking. I don’t know. Call me weird, I actually ENJOY planning my flight via FMC. Honestly, with airliners, there isn’t THAT much more to do once you are in flight - you are watching the autopilot fly most of the time, but at least I am in touch with WHERE it’s going, cause I told it to do so.
If you’re as forgetful and/or as easily distracted as I am, you’ll also want to concentrate on your throttles, as it is very easy to end a flight having gone overspeed and pulled the wings off.
Yes, unfortunately, that is from personal experience.
I was too busy “following the light” or more accurately trying to figure out why ATC was telling me to check my transponder setting when it looked fine to me.
I have a problem importing simbrief flp to CRJ. I generate the plan. Download to the directory, but when I put in the Route the name of the file (for exemple LEBLLEMD) the CDU displays Load Error. I have the last AIRAC from navigraph, so I don’t know what is the problem.