CRJ - Looking forward to flying. Just had a look

Started by looking at it in the hanger.

  1. Weird graphics between view changes
    EGCC Parked at gate
  2. No cold and dark start (maybe can be set and saved tho?)
  3. Jetway flexible cover does not connect
  4. No doors open (even the default A320neo has opening hatches and doors)
  5. Baggage escalator connects to - nothing
  6. Both escalator and baggage drivers drive under this low aircraft

I’m sure this plane is going to be brilliant but it sort of ruins the realism. And to be honest, it’s just a first look and at only one airport.

BTW - Documentation is very good!

All the contols are on the ipad, for doors and other things…assuming you mean the CRJ. Also you can start cold and dark

Thanks. It was just a first quick look - in between cooking my dinner :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Looking forward to flying. Just had a look

You might want to edit your title since it’s unclear what plane you’re referring to.

What is this thread about? Flying in general?

Edit: Just playing dumb. It would have been benificial to mention the CRJ in the title so people don’t have to guess. :wink:

I thought this too, but not after seeing the issues. The doors definitely open (3rd screenshot here), and there is a Cold & Dark option that works just fine. Haven’t done much with ground equipment, so not sure on that one.

@alanrco5287, can you confirm which airplane you are referring to, and if you have made any progress on the issues? Please edit the title to include the airplane, or reply here and I can add it. Once that is added I will relist your post. Thanks!

CRJ - Sorry peeps. My bad. It was just a quick look. I can confirm that there appears to be no problems with this fine aircraft. Wish I had more time to learn and fly it!