CRJ test on my system (HIGH-END)

These aren’t bugs. Please read the manual.

Completely agree. Having said that…been afflicted by the stuttery/FPS drops post last release, so happen to have the FPS on screen at the moment. I’m getting 35-40 FPS in/out of cockpit with the CRJ - everything ultra (motion blur off), 200 on the LOD sliders, 100% scaling at 1440p. This is with an i9 10900K and 2080 Super and flying around Edinburgh (so no photogrammtery or big cities). However, I use real time traffic, not AI traffic and I have multiplayer off. These last two settings are FPS killers I think.

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I have done over 10 flights with the crj in vr. It performs way better than the fbw A32nx or the wt cj4 in terms of smoothness. Also barely any issues with click spots in the cockpit inspite aerosoft saying thst vr isn’t recommended for this aircraft now.

I have a G2, i7-8700k @4.9GHz, 1080ti and easily maintain 30+ fps in vr (drops a bit in big airports).

I use 100TAA and 50SS on wmr. Clouds high, windshield effects high, ambient Occlusion off, terrain lod (most impact on performance) at 50%

Understand. Read the manual.

I found a bug with the mains displays refresh rate, try it,

if you push the yoke all down the displays freezes and you get like 15 to 20 fps more so there is a problem with aerosoft refresh rate, they are too high.

I don’t know how to can we fix it

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