the CRJ seems to me a great product!
i love it however from the personal tests that I am carrying out I have many doubts about the frame rate.
The hardware on which it is tested is:
Ryzen 3950x 16 cores @ 4.4ghz
32 RAM
RTX 3090 Gigabyte
test conditions:
clear weather
LIML airport (payware)
all air and ground traffic removed
my conclusions based on what I saw on this machine are as follows:
there is an evident drop of frame when all the avionics systems of the product are activated regardless of the scenario and the type of graphics set.
Which is what you would expect, since there is quite some code that needs to be run when the systems are on… else we would have paid the 50 eur for an empty shell 
And what surprises you? With these add-ons, many more systems are simulated in the background than with the standard aircrafts. This is independent of the graphics setting. Wait for the PMDG planes, the framerate drops will be much bigger.
there is no need to say if this thing is surprising or not, it is obvious that it is, however it makes little sense to use such a complex product and then having to give up the advantages of ULTRA graphics and ONLINE data
But that’s the way it works. If you want everything (complex aircraft, online services and the best graphics), these consequences are inevitable. That bothers me in the general debate about this simulator. Everyone wants more visibility, more effects, more functions and more complex aircraft. But then wonder if the framerate drops.
That being said, 28 fps isn’t that bad in an addon airplane at an payware airport.
Well, on ULTRA with everything on FPS are still nearing 30FPS on the ground. In the air it will be even better. Perfectly playable.
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I have exactly the same frame drops.
I am starting cold & dark at 60s-70s fps parked everything is smooth and nice. When i am adding waypoints & airways of the flight route fps goes to to 30-35.
I understand how demanding CRJ systems are but is it normal to loose almost 30fps ?
Flybywire A32NX had exactly the same issue when importing a flight plan but they fixed on latest updates
PC spec: 8700 @5.1ghz delidded / 3090 Asus Rog Strix OC / Asus Rog PG279Q G-sync monitor / 32 gskill ram 3200
Agreed , some want it all but never understand the coding that is behind it. It reminds me of Second Life - no one was ever happy no matter what went down. I am thrilled to have received the CRJ and I am very happy it came to play in the MSFS 2020 world. Yes , its very complex , yes it comes with massive manuals just like a real life purchase and Yes , you will want to practice and understand what the plane does , how to responds in different “grid” environments for example "Final approach at JFK at Nighttime. Everything works hand and hand . Blue skies
a few bugs…no checklist comes up. cannot use preset camera angles. Rebooting to see what will come up. Like the idea of the A/C and looks good but having some difficulty normalizing the operation.
You don’t have to give up anything. This isn’t a first person shooter. Even if you maintained the lowest possible option in your screens above (28 frames) you’d have a great flight experience. Many of us commonfolks keep the frames locked to 30 anyway.
I play at 4K Ultra settings, 3090 I get similar frames at busy airports, and around 40-45 when in the air with the CRJ, slight drops when high clouds around. Sadly our 3090’s are not being used as well as they could be.
Dont know how long you have been simming but FPS has always been an issue in Flight Sims. You are very lucky to get those frames. As much as we all would love a solid 60fps its not always going to happen in Flight sims, you can have a good experience with 25 fps, or tone down your settings. Also not all add-on airports are the same, some devs optimise better than others.
Unfortunately, the reality is that these complex aircraft are extremely heavy on single-thread CPU performance. I have an 8086k @ 5.0Ghz and am still maxed out on a single thread much of the time. Hopefully Zen 4 and Intel 12th gen will come with a nice boost to IPC and single-thread performance, enabling a meaningful improvement in frame rate for complex aircraft as a result.
Another thing - make sure your glass cockpit refresh rate setting is set to LOW. That will help a lot with being limited by single-thread CPU performance.
guys you are off topic, here the debate is not about my frames, but about the fact that with the onboard systems on the CRJ you have a loss of 50%
yes because you have turned on the system and now as such new code is running? How lazy and un optimised would it of been if the code was running all the time? Just like when you turn on your phone the battery starts draining. This is how it is!
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There is no in-sim checklist. There is one on the EFB though.
Thanks for sharing! My CPU is probably on par with yours-I fly solely in VR and 25fps in 2d would drop to stutters in VR so this is very concerning for me-I wonder if there is a memory leak somewhere-do the frames drop progressively during a flight?
Interesting conversation, but I keep my frame rate indicator off and just fly. In the CRJ, around the regional airports (KGSP, KAVL, KCHA, etc), flying is smooth, which is what I care about. FPS obsession is a habit I gave up years ago.
Now stutters (not related to CRJ) are another matter! 
I gave up flying tube liners years ago and switched to GA aircraft. The smoothness and FPS can’t be beaten.
Actually in this case: no it won’t help. Aerosoft has stated they ignore this sim setting completely.