CRJ Throttle Settings with Thrustmaster

Hey community, wondering if someone has set up their thrustmaster throttle for Aerosoft CRJ. I’ve tried many different configurations and just can’t get it to work. I don’t have any other throttles so any help is appreciated, thank you.

Below are pictures associated with my question

Have you followed throttle calibration manual pdf that comes with CRJ? You need to set it up in the tablet. It’s very simple.

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Hey, I tried using the calibration on the iPad, it won’t let me set anything, just shows zero for everything, the throttle inside of the plane won’t even move either.

Throttle will not move in-game until the battery is ON and the red locks are unlocked (thrust to idle), but it doesn’t matter. Make sure the numbers change on the tablet when you move the Thrustmaster throttle, and don’t forget to press ‘validate’. Also check ‘Idle/Reverse’ gap value.

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Are the numbers you have set there with thrustmaster?

Yes, move Thrustmaster throttle to the appropriate position and press SET. Repeat for all.

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Could you show me what your sensitivity levels?

Hello, is your throttle bound to „throttle axis” or „throttle axis (0-100%)”? some planes had not moving throttles for me depending on those two being correct/wrong and Im using the same hardware :slight_smile:

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I currently have it set to axis, should I try changing it

Why not, duplicate your current controls preset and try it out, can always switch back :slight_smile:

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