Good morning pilots,
here is a wonderful tutorial of the CRJ700 flight management computer:
Already learning it the same way I was learning the supercomplex programming of the DCS F-14 Tomcat.
But there is one step I don´t understand.
It´s called “routing” after inputting the departure and destination airport and inputting a SID.
From which source does this YouTuber all these VOR codes and other codes (EDLP, WRB1X, WRB, UL126, DINKU) to input a full motorways-of-the-skies flightplan?
Can these codes be found somewhere on the internet or in Google maps?
Is it possible to execute a flight plan without these SID VORs and can the FMC and the autopilot also follow a direct route from Departure Airport —> Destination Airport too?
Have a wonderful week!