CTD after

Everything was OK with the installation. Two steps were needed : the first one with 17.41 GB and the second one with 4.73 GB (why two steps ?). But after a new check for update and the presentation of the new version there is a CTD just after “New activities” panel. I tried restarting, administration mode and always the same CTD without any explanation.
Thank you very much for comments.
Best regards

Did you clear your community folder?

Thank you for the advise. For previous updates I did not clear the Community folder and everything ran fine. It means I was lucky. Now after having emptied this folder there was no more CTD and I began to enable again previous links to customs sceneries and planes. It is OK excepted in the case of the H135 v0.84. The choice of this helicopter is accepted and is followed by a CTD. I had no problem with this plane (v0.7) previously. I guess the problem is not for MSFS ?
Anyway thank you again.
Best regards

Hi thanks for this. I was also getting CTD after the update. I have now emptied the community folder and everything works.

Just one question - you mention clearing the community folder like we should have obviously known to do this. Perhaps I missed the memo, but I have never done this before or after any other update. So, can you please tell me why, on EARTH, this rather important piece of information isn’t mentioned to users before performing this update?

Forgive me for being upset, but after all the problems and tens of hours of time spent trying to solve so many issues, time after time, now we are supposed to know to clear the community folder as if we are psychic?

the message was shown while updater was running , additional mentioned as example here :

A few months ago I read in the forum some advice concerning the need for clearing the Community folder before an update. An official notification was also made. For the previous updates I forgot clearing this folder and everything was OK. It was not the case with the but now there is no more CTD even if the clearing was made after the update. My remaining problem is now a CTD with the H135 when loading but that is certainly for another reason.
Best regards

PS.: for the H135 mod the version 0.85 is out… may be…

The problem was with the version for MSFS and v0.84 for H135. This morning there was an announcement from the Store for the version (about 1 GB). I did not forget to clear the Community folder and after creating again the links to Community folder the H135 was running fine.
Best regards

Thanks for that. Must confess I didn’t read the release notes (that’s my bad and I will make of point of doing so in the future)

That said, when I intend to use the sim and load it up, the updater opens automatically so unless I’ve seen there is an update due, I don’t know it’s going to update. (and I am always reluctant to interrupt it unless I cause another problem).

I presume everybodies updates start automatically too?

So I guess


I have a CTD when the “World Update:France …” picture is visible and the progress bar makes it to 25% of the way.

My community directory is empty, but it wasn’t empty when I have upgraded, maybe the upgrade was faulty.

Any ideas ?


What would also be useful is when sim is crashed, there is a detailed log where we can see the cause of the issue. In my case, I have had to add and remove each item and test the sim to identify the faulty add-on. I hope soon there will be a smarter way to handle community folder contents so the sim does not crash.

but I have no add on, the community directory is empty. It’s just MS stuff.

I was just generally speaking. It would be good to have a log of what sim is doing so we can troubleshoot the error. With this CTD’s there is nothing to go with. It could be scenery, add-ons, bad overclock, windows update, graphis driver… So frustrating.

I’ve only one or two CTD since Alpha and on this last update CTD is common due to community contents at least for me. So I’ve been going through and updated all add-ons where avaliable and removed anything which doesn’t have a recent update.

In your case, I cannot comment as I am not sure about your setup. But someone with a similar issue fixed it by re-validating Steam files if you are on Steam, make sure your Official folder is backed up since Steam deletes its contents when files are validated.

Thanks, but I’m not steam.
Is there a way to re-download the latest update ? fool it to think it wasn’t done ?

You can hit Ctr+Enter to exit full screen. It should say on title.

I asked how can I force it to re-download the latest version, not how to see the latest version :slight_smile:

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the hint with the community folder needs may be bit more present.

On other side it is allways a good idea to disable mods after an update and do a first-run-test without it. At least if you running into trouble in the first start after the update with the installed mods :slight_smile: