CTD After 3/3 Update

WTG MS another successful update (NOT!) Has anyone experienced a CTD after the latest update? Mine hit on 3/3 with a 57GB update that will not allow my game to start. It cycles through several splash screens and then…poof! I emptied my Community folder; I have removed all mods; I have removed all peripherals, yoke, throttle quadrants, etc; I have tried starting normally and in Safe Mode, and nothing is working. Any thoughts or recommendations?

This may help,
Sign out of Xbox, and from the Window’s Apps and Features menu, reset the app.
same with MSStore, and Gaming Services.
Resign back into all three.
Try sim.

That did not solve the issue but thank you for the feedback. I guess this will be like every other update for me, I will just wait until this problem resolves with the next hot fix or patch. A little time away from this Sim won’t do me any harm lol

Empty the rolling cache, same with Nvidia cache?

How do you empty the Nvidia cache?

  1. Go to your NVIDIA control panel> Manage 3D Settings, turn off Shader Cache and hit Apply.
  2. Reboot your PC.
  3. Go to %username%\AppData\Local\Temp\NVIDIA Corporation\NV_Cache and delete the contents of the folder (You can paste that address directly into a Windows address bar).
  4. Go back to your NVIDIA control panel> Manage 3D Settings, turn On Shader Cache and hit Apply.
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Thanks! I take it this is more thorough than just going to the Disk Cleanup utility, and deleting the Shader Cache folder?

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I keep getting a random CTD every few flights. and it is always the same when I do a Crash Dump analysis

Ntd11 waiting for Multiple Objects

Can any Windows Programmer tell me what is happening here ??
(Crash dump file available if you are willing to analyze it !! )

Are you using WinDbg to find and analyze these dump files? I just installed it a few mins ago. I want to see what caused my CTD today, but can’t seem to locate the dump file to check. Curious to see if it’s the same issue.

BTW, just cleared my shader cache, will see if that helps.

You might want to make sure you have Windows set up correctly to even log a dump file., suitable for WinDbg.

Lost of sites with the needed info,


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BTW, apparently that folder structure mentioned in bullet 3, only applies to older Nvidia drivers. Anyway, I’ve deleted all my shader cache contents, and this is what I have left (DX cache only has a few files left inside)

The Nvidia Corporation folder contents are as follows, with no slider cache files apparent, unless they are burried. So I think you want the NVIDIA folder, and not the NVIDIA Corporation one:

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That is correct. Current drivers use %localappdata%\NVIDIA\DXCache


Just out of curiosity, which of the dump file options did you choose, or recommend? I went with the Complete Memory Dump option, and selected a folder location of my choosing, easy for me to find.

Those settings are for system failures (Windows kernel, drivers, etc). MSFS is a user-mode application, so the crash dumps will be created by other methods such as Windows error reporting or the application itself.

I do not recommend enabling DumpType 2 (full dump) for applications which use a lot of memory, unless you are an expert at debugging, or if technical support asks you to do so.

NTDLL is a critical Windows system file. The fault is unlikely to be there. Most ntdll crashes are caused by user-mode code making system calls in an invalid fashion. Another common cause is bad RAM.

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Your knowledge of PC’s and their operation is very impressive!! :+1:

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hmm, I would like to be positive too but I think Asobo doesnt know what to do anymore, I also have a crazy problem since update 8 and the patch after.

My CTDs didn’t start until I installed the small ~250kb file a few days after SU8. now it doesn’t even make it through the load sequence before it crashes. Not sure what that small update was on 3/2 but it was definitely the culprit.

Unable to load flights after I hit “fly”. Game has become unplayable

I confirm… systematic CTD as soon as I view around (in or out of the cockpit) since last patch.