CTD in VR with AMD 6800XT / AMD 6900XT

I’ve pasted my own issues with Asobo as far as fixing things go Like this today. They definitely left all the problem solving up to Microsoft and that’s very apparent in how they deal with issues.

However, I can’t also ignore the fact that the users on the other side of the pond do not appear to have similar experience with these issues when using nVidia hardware. I could be wrong because I’ve just now started to delve into VR, thus my desire to upgrade GPU. Just my initial scan of the reporting tends to point to AMD more often than not.

Since I would be selling my 1080ti in order to recoup the cost of purchasing 6800XT… I’d be stuck with the 6800xt since buying another card to replace it would certainly be nearly impossible right now.

I’m leaning towards getting it and trying it out. If it doesn’t work out I can always just give it back to my friend as I don’t think he’d mind selling it to someone else at market value. At the same time, I’m not gonna lie, I’m also trying to capitalize on the 1080ti market value.

It’s a risk no matter what… Agh. ■■■■ you AMD/ASOBO or which ever of the two is at fault (I’m gonna say both since that’s the dreaded combo for FS2020).