CTD and full install required? all settings gone

What is going on?

I had had a CTD and now I have to reinstall everything? all settings, controller settings, graphics.

Like running the game for the first time?

Steam version


strange, controller settings should be carried over as they are cloud based now. I’m running the steam version too, and even after literally uninstalling and re-installing the entire sim, my controller settings are remembered.

Just check that you have selected the correct “profile” for each controller? Your saved bindings should still be there as long as you signed in the flight sim with the same account as before, but maybe they’re just defaulted to the “default” profiles instead of your custom ones?

Can’t remember if other settings were reset, but I imagine they were, as I think these are stored on a local file, rather than the cloud.

Having said all this, I’ve never had a CTD cause the sim to reset itself like this. Are you sure you didn’t try to “fix” it by choosing to “verify integrity of game files” in steam?

For most games that’s a suggested action to check that files are all present and correct…but for flight sim I’d say never to do that, as once it’s done checking, next time you boot the sim you’ll have to re-download the whole thing anyway…so if you’re going to use that option, you’re as good to choose uninstall and then install again…but either of those options, use as a last resort, because downloading the entire sim again takes ages, sometimes literally days depending on your luck with the msfs servers (this has nothing to do with your internet speed…I have 900Mb up and down, but still get anywhere from 1 to 40Mb with flight sim downloads…their servers are just a nightmare…so you want to avoid having to download or reinstlal at all costs.

didnt touch anything in Steam setting, literally just rebooted after the CTD.

So So strange

Controller settings seem fine, everything else was reset.

very odd yes. at least it’s working now though?

Yes, trying to tweak around the settings now again!

Not sure what happened, very stange!

I assume you are frustrated and “Want To Fly” ?

But yes, this goes back to a long asked question. why is there no Formal method to make a LOCAL backup of your settings (and LogBook), for the rare (or not so rare) times when your data gets LOST on the Cloud !!

Savvy PC owners, can make such a backup… I don’t think that solution is available to X-Box users, unless they have a Technically Savvy friend with MSFS on a PC, to do the backup on their PC for them, using the X-Box user’s account.

X-Box users may find it GOOD to have a friend with a PC


my performance is absolutley awful now on top it… 30 FPS at FL370 with same setting.

32GB ram

What TLOD do you have set?

200 but decreased to 150.

That does seem on the low side. Do you have similar issues with other planes? I have hardly touched them, but I know anecdotally that airliners have a variably large cost with regard to FPS, and performance.

There are also reports of performance dropping over time for longer flights, which again is something most GA flyers might not experience.

I mainly fly PMDG. I have always been performance limited. CPU is always hammered. I understand it’s CPU heavy but sometimes it’s unplayable

There probably isn’t a huge amount you could do, but it would be worth knowing what that cost was. Pick a location to start at fully configured for takeoff by starting on a runway. Note the FPS in the dev. mode FPS display.

Quit the flight, then change planes to the 172, and repeat, and note the difference. It might take a few seconds for the framerate to stabilise as assets are loaded, or if you look about and other assets get loaded in.

The only other thing you an do, other than getting a faster CPU, is to lower other settings that are CPU bound.

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