I’m getting lots of CTD since I started using EFHK and LPPT from MK-studios. However when using LPPT the sim freezes and become unresponsive, but when using EFHK the sim crashes to desktop and I can find the error bellow in the event viewer. I have no problems with other addons. I have a i7 7700K, 32 GB Ram and a 1080TI. I have a support ticket at mk-studios but I want to know if other are experiencing the same issue.
Bugs & Issues is for stock simulation defects only. Please contact the maker of the add-on airports directly for support. Moved to #third-party-addon-discussion:scenery-packs
I experienced CTD’s with the update yesterday. Two times while entering STAR’s to ILS 22L. While trying to reload into the final approach the game even closed when I selected ILS 22L on the world map screen. So far 4 out of 5 attempts to land at this scenery failed. Never had issues with other MK products (LPPR, LPPT, BIKF and EIDW)
I have spawned multiple times into this airport and after about 5 min or less I get a consistent CTD. I’ve also experienced this on approach into this airport as well. I have nothing else in the Community folder except this scenery.
I have a very capable machine (5900X and 3090) and everything else runs smooth as butter including your scenery. Why would lowering graphics settings help? There must be something in this scenery that doesn’t jive with the SDK. We should be able to run this at Ultra with no issues.
Great, I remember that Asobo released an update for the photogrammetry in Helsinki a couple of months ago. Could there be a conflict with your product?