Yes, also fixed for me.
all planes seem to be ok for me now - my issues was the JF planes - everything working.
Just out of curiosity, if some of the community managers could find out what the cause/fix was I’m sure some like me would be very interested.
Yup, confirmed… Back in the game. All aircraft fully active. Would love to know what the issue was.
But thank you for the work anyway.
Thanks to the team for the fast work on this.
I pushed an An 225 into my hangar last night and somehow three Carenado airplanes fit in. Problem solved !
still ctd with fenix, pmdg, and leonardos maddig- sigh…
They don’t release stuff they know is broken, but they have to release stuff they don’t know isn’t broken. This is the reality of software development.
If you feature freeze for a year or two and only make small changes that you are able to fully regression test, it may be different, but none of us would want msfs to go that way.
I’m pretty sure that things being broken is what we were warned might happen if we joined the beta programme.
The good news is that you can choose to opt out of the beta and wait for the release version. The less good news is that you can’t opt out of release updates.
So we’re saying that all of Carenados planes now work with the SU12 beta? Can anyone confirm “Pilot Plus” scenery addons causing CTD?
Still getting CTD as a result of this on XSX. I will give props SU12 has run the smoothest I’ve ever seen the sim run however I truly hope the devs get their arms around a solution and push a final product for SU12 that finally fixes this. I understand it’s a beta and participation is voluntary. Performance in su12 even having to reinstall every soo often is more beneficial than the previous public build. Plus beta testing should be done in a vanilla mode anyway…. The data consumption is astonishing since Beta SU12 release
I’m on PC but assume similar behaviour. On top the beta and it’s patches I had to visit my MSFS content manager for several aircraft and scenery updates. Hope this helps.
Helpful, yes, unfortunately for the XSX player there’s no option I’m aware of outside of the in game content explorer were processes similar to that on the PC such as renaming folders and temporarily altering the boot process can be taken. Once I install that file that triggers the “checking for updates death loop” I have to start back installing over 400GB worth of addons.
If anyone is aware of a process of how to potentially modify the contents of a seagate external storage drive outside connected to say maybe a PC so that one wouldn’t have to necessarily restart from scratch each time I’d be open to some enlightenment!
So after a fresh reinstall on XSX and without installing any add-on third-party aircraft I hit the same issue with the checking for updates CTD. after installling the WU packages and 300GB of addon scenery airports I cannnot progress past the loading screen. This is not limited to aircraft I’m afraid.
Your drives need a fair chunk (up to 15%) of free space or they could get cripplingly slow. Check they are not too full
XSX internal drive is 85% free and external drive is only pushing 60% of the 1TB space filled. I see what you’re saying. The seagate expansion card could be getting to the point it is too full…
For awhile, it seemed the conclusion was that Carenado aircraft was causing the sim to fail to launch. This seemed to be platform-agnostic, but I experienced it on Xbox Series X. I had to reinstall the sim and have refrained from installing any Carenado planes because I can’t be agile with my Community folder like the PC folks. Wondering if anyone has tested and confirmed that the weird issue with certain mixtures of Carenado planes being installed no longer causes the sim to not launch. I miss my 337 and my Archer. Thanks!
@Red81Trekker I have no Xbox so I can´t answer you directly on that.
But one question to you if you still have crashes. Is there on Xbox a possibility to deinstall every 3rd Party Aircraft over the Content Manager? And do you get the crashes in safe mode, too?
Because on PC every plane works fine (at least for me) since the last 2 Beta Updates.
Thanks - I have uninstalled everything via the content manager, after reinstalling the whole base sim. No Safe Mode or Community Folder on Xbox. The spirit of my question comes from being up and running right now, but wanting to reinstall the 3rd party content that I uninstalled, and just wanting to ensure that’s safe.
Fixed in SU12: Release Notes - Sim Update 12 [] Available Now