I get CTD every time after selecting ARRIVAL/STAR procedure and runway on MCDU. I tried different airports and different routes. Still the same CTD everywhere.
I am using PC, Microsoft Store version.
I get CTD every time after selecting ARRIVAL/STAR procedure and runway on MCDU. I tried different airports and different routes. Still the same CTD everywhere.
I am using PC, Microsoft Store version.
Which plane, and is it stock or Third Party?
FlyByWire A320 the latest version. By the way my AIRAC database from MSFS is also removed… Now I am not able to enter any waypoints. Also FS waipoint database is removed… How can I get it back?
Moved from CTD as FBW is a Third Party plane.
FS-base might be corrupted, but the least destructive fix to try is removing all Community mods, delete Content.xml and restart the sim.
Thank you! Removing content.xml and restarting helps. But the Flybywire A320 still CTD every flight…
Have you tried the FBWa320 with all other addons removed from the Communtiy folder?