CTD fix for Reverb G2 and AMD GPU Users

I use Corsair 1000W Platinum PSU, and still CTD every flight. There was a time when I was able to fly 1-2hrs without CTD after increasing the power limit on my 6800XT, but the CTDs came back with vengeance. Anyone tried the new SU4? I have little faith in ASOBO at this point as they have largely ignored this issue since the release, but who knows?

@Beulah6126 Yeah installed new SU4 and still CTD, so no fix there

I bought a 6800 and every time I switched to VR in MSFS the system would crash.
I returned it and the shop tested it OK and sent it back to me.
I had a 750w power supply and installed a new 850w.
This solved the problem completely.
I still have regular ctd in VR but everything else is fine.
My cpu is a 4690k at 4.4 so not very power hungry.
I had been running a 2070 in the system before the 6800.
In my case a 750w psu was not enough and the brand new 850w was.
4690k @ 4.4 , 6800 @2400 , 32g ram at1600 , 850W corsair psu ,Asrock z87 pro4

:persevere: Thought so!

No ctd after a couple of hours with su4, even with video card 100%load at 100oxr/100taa and also ai traffic activated, which before would ctd after 5 minutes guaranteed. I have a good feeling that this is the one.

I just spent the last hour trying out the update. I had 5 CTDs. Flying out of Innsbruck in TBM930, it will last 5-7 minutes and crash. I used to be able to fly at least good 30-45min before.

Which driver are you using?

Hi everyone. I finally found a very stable config where I can fly VR for hours without crash. this works for me without single CTD since two weeks now! I have HP G2, NVIDIA 3080, AMD x570 motherboard. in bios I revert to PCIx 3 for stable (no more disconnect of USB perif with x570 board, graphics card is still PCIx4). Nvidia driver latest ( and was also good with the one before ) with clean install and manage 3d setting program to DEFAULT. windows hardwire accelerated GPU OFF (was clearly instable for me), Game mode ON (seems no impact) . I removed WMR portal and openXR developer (clearly make crashing for me) then ONLY reinstall WMR portal. I have adjusted flight sim parameters to 30ish frame rate. I have all working title stuff. da62X da42ngx. I try now pms50-GTN750 and it seems to work so far with navigraph and Metar. It seems the sim update 4 works for me like previous version and I like the radar view showing rain exactly as I start to hear it on windshild during my last night landing.

It actually crashed today, with vcruntime error, after about 5 hours. So unfortunately it’s not solved.

I’ve been plagued with CTD today with 21.3.2 gonna try 20.12.1 see does that make a difference

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Glad to hear you’re getting stable flights. FYI, this particular thread is for owners of Radeon cards. Nvidea cards run the sim more stable due to better drivers, especially both 3080/3090 cards.


I also have an MB X570, what exactly are you switching to PCIe 3 in the BIOS?

I had quite a number of perf and crash issues. I’ve managed to get reliable performance from my RX 6900 XT + Rift S setup by doing four things:

  1. Setting the card to Undervolt Auto Tuning mode in the Radeon console, to prevent CTDs
  2. Fixing the FPS between 45 and 50 Radeon chill to reduce needless pressure on the card
  3. Switching OpenXR from SteamVR to Oculus to vastly improve performance
  4. Oculus on Beta branch, Radeon on ‘Optional’ branch

Amazing experience; runs very comfortably in GA.


I think I found a better configuration for me as well. Limiting to 30fps with Radeon Chill, increasing the fan speed and using the 200% render scale trick made it somewhat playable. Still have to fly a little more, but after SU4 I couldn’t fly at all and now it seems to be better.

i7-3070, Rx6900xt, 32Gb Ram

Ok, disabling hyper threading also seems to improve smoothness and stability.

Where do you disable?

In the Bios…

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