I have sometimes been able to correct issues with MSFS consistently crashing when loading into a particular airport, when others are able to load into the same airport without issues. (I successfully load into MK Studios Dublin- Occasionally I will get a crash when loading in with the experimental version of FBW A320- but this is temporary and usually works on a subsequent attempt) However, this can only work on the PC version of MSFS.
What I have done is delete the sim generated scenery index files, which will be rebuilt the next time MSFS is run. It might be worth giving this a try by deleting these files and see if that permanently corrects the issue. Note, in this particular case I would ensure that I deleted the files for rebuild each time I changed the airport I wished to use. I.e. if default now works and then later after installing MK Studios Dublin then once again I would delete the scenery index files. It may be that this issue won’t be resolved by this method and the conflict is down to what was said in a previous post with a conflict with Vagar. This conflict may possibly be solved by using this utility from flightsim.to
The files are contained in
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\SceneryIndexes for MSStore,
C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\SceneryIndexes (I think) for Steam.
They look something like this:
It is a good troubleshooting step to delete the entire contents of that directory and restart MSFS to see if that corrects the issue.
Edit: It might also be worth giving the content.xml file a refresh as well. This is the file that lists all packages that are to be loaded into MSFS and is found in C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache (or C:\Users\Username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\ for Steam version I think). Deleting this file also forces MSFS to rebuild it on next launch. If you have navigraph installed then you would also need to use Navigraph Nav Data center to uninstall and reinstall Navigraph data after this content xml file is rebuilt.