CTD question: Are people ensuring that their PSUs are not overloaded?

I’ve seen a lot of complaints where people have had CTD’s and listed their equipment on their systems. I’ve seen a many high end systems that are crashing after what appear to be upgrades of existing computers that may be older. So my question is, have those who are having CTD’s done calculations on the load placed on their power supplies and made sure they are not overloading the PSU. Seems that if a PSU is overloaded something isn’t going to get the power it needs when it needs it and the system has limited options but to shut down? I’ve never had a CTD but I have a PSU that will run everything on my machine and then a few more things.

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I’ve built my PC over 2 years ago and everything was brand new at the time and I’ve done all my PSU calculation properly. I still get CTD, but the culprit can easily be identified. Currently, what’s causing my CTD is the Navigraph chart addon in-game. I’m removing it now to see if it stops.

Same for me, Navigraph beta was causing crash. Uninstalled and all good for now. Just did an overnight flight and the sim was still going after 6-7 hours. First time since the latest mega 2020 update.


There was an issue with the initial release of the Charts panel that could cause a CTD in some circumstances. This was resolved with v0.2 which is available in the Navigraph Navdata Center.



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Nah it turns out the CTD was caused by my Streaming software. Navigraph was fine. I had to uninstall, reset settings to default and reinstall the streaming software.

Just became a subscriber of Navigraph in May so I had v2. When I looked in the event viewer after the crash it specifically called out Navigraph.

The fix was released on May 28 so please double check that you have the Navigraph Charts In-Game panel v0.2 installed (it should then have a red Remove button in Navigraph Navdata Center.

Thanks, will do and post an update.

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